Policies and Bylaws

West Vancouver Schools

This Board Policy Handbook has been developed to highlight and support the very important governance function of the Board. In addition to clearly defining the role of the Board, the role of the Superintendent and the delegation of authority from the Board to the Superintendent, it includes the following as policies:

  • Foundational statements which provide guidance and direction for all activities within our schools;
  • Directions for how the Board itself is to function and how individual trustees are to conduct themselves; how Board committees and representatives are to function;
  • Statements as to how appeals and hearings will be conducted;
  • Non-delegable matters such as school closures and policy-making; and
  • Specific matters which the Board has chosen not to delegate to the Superintendent.

This Board Policy Handbook is intended to be supplemented by an Administrative Procedures Manual; the primary written document by which the Superintendent directs staff. The Manual must be entirely consistent with this Handbook.

The development of two separate and distinct documents is meant to reinforce the distinction in WVS between the Board’s responsibility to govern and the Superintendent’s executive or administrative duties.

1.0 Foundational Statements

2.0 – Role of the Board

3.0 – Role of the Superintendent

4.0 – Role of the Trustee

5.0 – Trustee Code of Conduct

6.0 – Role of the Board Chair

7.0 – Role of the Vice-Chair

8.0 – Board Operations

9.0 – Board- Committees

10.0 – Board Representation to Other Bodies

11.0 – Policy Formation and Review

12.0 – Board Delegation of Authority

13.0 – Appeals Bylaw

14.0 – School Closures/Grade Reconfigurations

15.0 – Recruitment and Selection of Personnel

16.0 – Programs of Choice

17.0 – Revenue Generation

18.0 – Indemnification Bylaw

19.0 – Child Care

20.0 – Accumulated Operating Surplus

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