How to Apply

Student Admissions

Please be aware that some of our schools now have waitlists at certain grade levels.
Click here for details about eligibility timeline and documentation

For more details, please refer to the West Vancouver Schools student registration “Guidelines” section below.

Please note: School offices are now closed for the summer and will re-open for admissions inquiries on Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Applications and documentation continue to be accepted during July and August and staff will process complete applications upon their return.
Any admissions inquiries during the summer can be directed to

Schools are no long able to accept documents by email. Upon submission of an application, you will receive an email with a link to securely upload PDF copies of all required documents.

Schools may request in-person document submission at their discretion.

IMPORTANT NOTE! Please ensure that you select the correct online application form. If you complete the incorrect form, it will be discarded and you will have to re-submit the correct one, losing your original time and date stamp.

Student Application Procedures

Current students do not need to re-apply unless they intend to transfer schools.

We are pleased to accept applications for admission from families and students residing both within and outside of West Vancouver Schools. With 14 primary and elementary, and four secondary schools, West Vancouver Schools offers a wide range of programs and opportunities to challenge and enrich your child’s learning.

Children may begin Kindergarten in September of the calendar year in which they turn five years old. i.e. Students born in 2019 will begin Kindergarten in September 2024 and students born in 2020 will begin Kindergarten in September 2025.
For details about WVS Kindergarten Gradual Entry for 2024-2025, click here.

Education funding in British Columbia is contingent upon residence in British Columbia, and district admissions procedures require specific documentation to support that address. Short-term rentals, including hotels and Airbnb, are typically not acceptable. 

Student applications are accepted based on:
  • specified registration timelines, and
  • student application priority

Please carefully read the student registration guidelines below before submitting your application.

Only students with complete applications (i.e. all required documents submitted) will be considered for placement or added to waitlists.

Diplomat, Refugee, Study or Work Permit Holder

If your family is residing in Canada under a Diplomatic posting, Refugee Protection Document, Study or Work Permit  (collectively called Fundable Admissions), you may be enroled in West Vancouver schools, subject to regulations under Canadian federal government, provincial government, and West Vancouver Schools policies. You must first complete a document review procedure before completing the student admission application form. To learn about the document review process, please click here.  Once completed, the Fundable Admission Department will contact you by email with next steps.

International Student

If you are an international student, please visit the International Programs website for application details.

Submit Online Application

Select the school year for which you are applying and complete the correct online form.

2024-2025 (Current School Year) Apply Now

2025-2026 (Next School Year) Apply October 15 at 8am

Please note, if you select the incorrect form or submit a form prior to eligibility date/time, it will be discarded and you will need to re-submit the correct one, losing your original time/date stamp.

Provide documentation

After you submit an online application, you will receive an email with a link to securely upload PDF copies of all required documents to your first choice school. Schools are no longer accepting documentation by email, but may request in-person submission at their discretion.

Click here for a printable list of required documentation

Parents should not enter schools without an appointment.

What is my catchment school?

Use the School Locator tool to locate your catchment school by address

How to Register

  • Applications for admission will be time- and date-stamped at the time the form was submitted online.
  • You will receive email notification when your form has been successfully submitted. That email will contain a link to securely upload your documents.
  • If you submit the incorrect form, you will need to complete and re-submit the correct one, losing your original time and date stamp.
  • Completion of an online form does NOT guarantee acceptance at your first choice school.
  • Only students with complete applications (i.e. all required documents submitted) will be considered for placement or added to waitlists.


Submit the appropriate online registration form
Current School Year

2024-2025 Click here

Next School Year

Available October 15, 2024 at 8am


Schools are no longer accepting documents by email. Upon submission of an application, you will receive an email with a link to securely upload good-quality PDF copies of your required documentation to your first choice school. Poor-quality scans and photos will not be accepted. All documents must be complete.

Schools may request in-person document submission at their discretion.

Please note: Documents must be submitted by a parent or documented legal guardian, not another family member, caregiver or friend.

Please refer to our list of required documents below to ensure you provide the documents you need to complete your application for admission.

If you wish to make any changes to your application after you have submitted the form, please email or contact your first choice school. If you submit a new form, it will replace the previous one and you will lose the original time and date stamp. Only one application per student will be accepted.

  • IMPORTANT! Applications are not considered complete until you have provided all required supporting documentation to your first choice school. Students with incomplete applications will not receive offers nor be placed on wait lists.
  • Please note: Schools are no longer accepting documents by email. Upon submission of an application, you will receive an automated email with a link to securely upload your documentation.

Notice of Collection:

The information on these forms is collected under the authority of the School Act and the BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) and pursuant to West Vancouver Schools (School District No. 45 West Vancouver) Administrative Procedures (AP) 180, 185, and 320.  The information and consent collected will be used by the School District for the purposes of delivering and administering educational programs and activities for students, accommodating student needs, communicating with parents and students, ensuring compliance with school rules and regulations, ensuring order and safety at school, evaluating student performance, and complying with the School District’s legal, regulatory, and administrative requirements. If you have any questions or concerns about the collection, use or disclosure of the personal information collected, please contact the school principal.

Choose the correct form to apply

Current School Year

Next School Year

Helpful List of Required Documents

Click here for a printable list of required documentation

Please upload GOOD-QUALITY PDF COPIES  of these required documents to your first choice school using the secure link provided to you upon submission of your application. Poor-quality and/or incomplete copies will not be accepted. Schools may request additional documents or documents submitted in person at their discretion.

Please note: Documents must be submitted by a parent or documented legal guardian, not another family member, custodian, caregiver, or friend. Relocation and/or real estate agents are not permitted to act independently for parents.

Parents should not enter schools without an appointment.


  • Child’s original birth certificate (long form birth certificate if available). Provide official translation if applicable.

B. PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP (required for both students and parents)

  • Child’s Canadian passport or Canadian Citizenship documents; OR Canadian immigration documentation and current foreign passport
  • Canadian passport, or citizenship or immigration documents as outlined above for at least one parent or documented legal guardian (not custodian)
  • Canadian birth certificates may be accepted in rare cases where passports are not available


Education funding in British Columbia is contingent upon residence in British Columbia, and district admissions procedures require specific documentation to support that address. Short-term rentals, including hotels and Airbnb, are typically not acceptable. In order to support an address in British Columbia, we require both specific proof of residence and additional support documents. These documents must contain one of the parent/guardians’ names, at the residential address shown on the application and must be current.  Utility bills must show the residential (service) address. Some schools may require two primary residential support documents.

Please note
: Purchase agreements are considered valid as of the closing date specified in the agreement or the date you move in / arrive in the province – whichever is later. Tenancy agreements are considered valid as of the start date specified in the Beginning and Term of the Agreement section, or the date you move in / arrive in the province – whichever is later.  As well, agreements must be valid at the date when the student intends to start school. Month-to-month tenancy agreements are typically not accepted without an initial set term (typically one year). Business addresses are not acceptable for admissions purposes.

Proof of Residence

minimum of one of the following showing parent/guardian names at address cited

  • Most recent BC Property Assessment or Property Tax notice
  • Completed Residential Tenancy Agreement (all pages) – all fields, including landlord and tenant information, must be complete and agreement signed and dated. This is a legally binding document.
  • Completed Purchase Agreement


Primary Support Document(s) for Proof of Residence

minimum of one of the following:

current residential utility bill addressed to one of the parents/guardians at the address cited. This may include:

    • Municipal metered utility statement
    • BC Hydro bill
    • Fortis BC bill
    • Cable TV or Internet provider bill
    • Landline telephone bill (cell phone bills will not be accepted as primary proof)

** Many of our schools require a minimum of TWO residential support documents in addition to proof of residence. If you cannot produce at least one primary support, you will be required to produce a minimum of THREE secondary support documents.


Please note: If your primary support documents for proof of residence are incomplete, you are required to provide secondary support documents.


Secondary Support Documents for Proof of Residence

If all utilities are included in the tenancy agreement, you will be required to provide secondary support documents to confirm your address. All documents must be current and show the name of at least one parent/guardian at the residential address cited on the application.

minimum of three of the following:

  • Mobile phone bill
  • ICBC car registration/insurance
  • Credit card or bank statement (not both)
  • Homeowner or tenant’s insurance documents for the address cited, with at least one of the parents/guardians as the named insured
  • One of: BC Driver’s Licence, BC ID, or BC Services card (plastic card with address sticker NOT accepted)

Families Living with Friends or Relatives:

If you are living with friends or family and you do not have a tenancy agreement, you are required to provide the following:

  • A current-dated notarized letter, signed by the homeowner and student’s parent (s), confirming the owner’s name and full address of the residence, and the names of the family members living with them, along with an estimated duration of the arrangement, including dates. The address will be considered valid as of the date the arrangement began, provided all documents are in order.
    The letter must be signed by both parties and notarized in British Columbia.
  • ONE of the following in the homeowner’s name in order to support ownership:
    • Most recent property tax bill
    • Most recent property assessment
  • THREE pieces of supporting documentation (minimum) that show the student’s parent’s name(s) and the address cited.
    • These must be current and can include:
      • Mobile phone bill
      • ICBC car registration/insurance
      • Credit card or bank statement (not both)
      • Tenant’s insurance or insurance document with parents listed as additionally insured
      • One of: BC Driver’s Licence, BC ID, or BC Services card (plastic card with address sticker NOT accepted)
      • Membership documentation for a local social, education, business, or religious organization


  • If parents have joint parental responsibility, name, address, and contact information (email and phone number) must be entered on the application
  • If parents do not share parental responsibility, an original and complete order or an executed separation agreement from the BC Supreme Court or BC Provincial Court must be presented to the school to confirm any particular guardianship, parental responsibilities, parenting time, or custody agreement pertaining to the child. *Please ensure that all pages for the order are included. We are not able to accept partial or incomplete orders.*
  • If there is a court order issued outside of the province of British Columbia, please provide an original and complete document from the issuing jurisdiction. This will be reviewed by the school administration.
  • If one parent is deceased, please provide a death certificate if possible


  • Child’s immunization record, as well as any other important health documents (please provide translated version if applicable)


  • Most recent report card from previous school (for students entering grades 1 – 12)
  • Please also attach any reports that include beneficial knowledge for the school. This would include your child’s IEP or any documents related to your child’s diagnosis (if applicable).

Student Registration Guidelines

In preparation for registering you child, please review the following registration guidelines, including registration timelines, student registration priority, and required documentation, for:

  • Kindergarten registration
  • General registration—in-catchment students (Grades 1 to 12)
  • Early French Immersion – Kindergarten registration
  • General registration—out-of-catchment and out-of-district students (Grades 1 to 12)
  • Specialty program registration (including International Baccalaureate, Advanced Placement, Youth Train in Trades (ACE-IT), Premier Academies, Pursuit (Super Achievers), and more

Student Registration Priority

West Vancouver School District encourages students to attend their catchment area school, while also enabling students and their families to make choices to attend other schools in the district as required to meet their educational needs.

The placement of a student in a school will be dependent upon the availability of space, programs and resources.

Priority is given for student placement in a program or school in the following order:

  1. In-catchment students with siblings in the same school
  2. In-catchment students
  3. Out-of-catchment, in-district students with siblings in the same school
  4. Out-of-catchment, in-district students
  5. Out-of-district students of staff with siblings in the same school
  6. Out-of-district students with siblings in the same school
  7. Out-of-district students of staff
  8. Out-of-district students

Within each of the above categories, applications are prioritized by time/date stamp of application form submission, earliest first. The exception is the Early French Immersion Kindergarten lottery process, where places are assigned by lottery number drawn within the applicable category.

Local school boundaries (school catchment areas)

Not sure which school in your neighbourhood is your “local in-catchment school”? Use our school locator tool.

When can my child begin Kindergarten?

Children may begin Kindergarten in September of the calendar year in which they turn five years old.

i.e. Students born in 2020 may begin Kindergarten in September 2025.

Click here for details about WVS Kindergarten Gradual Entry Plan 2024-2025.

Registration for Refugees, Work/Study Permits, Diplomats

Students who are neither Canadian citizens nor have Permanent Resident (PR) status in Canada may be enroled in West Vancouver schools, subject to regulations under Canadian federal government, provincial government, and West Vancouver Schools policies. These students may include those whose families are resident in BC under a Refugee Protection Document, Work or Study Permit, or Diplomatic posting.

These families must first complete a document checking procedure before completing the student admission form. To complete this online process, please click here. Once completed, staff from the Fundable Admissions Department will contact you by email with next steps.

For more information, please visit Fundable Admissions or email

Early and Late French Immersion Programs

The Early French Immersion Program is offered at Ecole Cedardale and Ecole Pauline Johnson. Ecole Cedardale is also an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School offering a French Immersion IB Primary Years Program (IB PYP). There is an associated fee with the IB PYP program.

Late French Immersion is offered only at Ecole Pauline Johnson to students entering Grade 6. A secondary level French Immersion program is offered at Ecole Sentinel Secondary.

For more details about registering for an Early or Late French Immersion program, please click on one of the links above or contact the principal of the school in which you are interested. Here is a list of school websites with contact information.

More Programs of Choice in West Vancouver Schools

For more information about registering your student in one of the many programs of choice in West Vancouver Schools including International Baccalaureate, Advanced Placement, French Immersion International Baccalaureate, Youth Train in Trades (formerly ACE-IT), Pursuit (formerly Super Achievers), iDEC, Montessori, and Premier Academies, please visit our Programs page.

We are proud to welcome our newest families to our learning community!

Admissions / Registration Timelines 2025 – 2026

Student enrolment timelines for the 2025 – 2026 school year:

October 15, 2024

Admissions opens at 8am to ALL Kindergarten applications (in-catchment, in-district, and out-of-district students), and all students living IN-CATCHMENT applying for entry into Grades 1 – 12

October 15 to December 2, 2024

Lottery period for Early French Immersion Kindergarten applications (in-catchment, in-district, and out-of-district students). Placement lottery to follow in early December.

January 15,  2025

Admissions opens at 8am to OUT-OF-CATCHMENT (in-district) student applications and OUT-OF-DISTRICT (OOD) student applications

Detailed information regarding student registration is outlined in Administrative Procedure 300 – Student Registration, Enrollment and Placement – click here to view.

PLEASE NOTE: If an enrollment timeline listed in AP 300 falls on a weekend, the date recognized by the Administrative Procedure for Student Registration will be the Monday following that date.

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