Elementary Band
Music Education
At the elementary level, all children from Kindergarten to Grade 7 are provided with a comprehensive and sequenced music education. In addition to the regular classroom program, our elementary schools offer Beginner and Intermediate Band Programs for Grade 6 and 7 students.
In 2024-2025, the supplemental fees for the Band Program are as follows:
March 11 – May 31: $390
As of June 1: $425
Fees should be paid by credit card at the time of registration, or by cheque, given directly to your band teacher. For alternative payment methods, please phone 604-981-1000.
This school-based instrumental instruction for students is designed as a preparatory program for the secondary band programs offered in each high school. Students will develop a range of instrumental music skills according to guidelines outlined by the BC Ministry of Education elementary Music Curriculum and learning outcomes. This quality music program includes multiple components to enable students to develop skills, knowledge, attitudes and values through active participation. Core components of the program include:
- Instrumental Playing Skills:
Students receive two lessons a week. The Band Program provides school-based instrumental instruction and is funded by supplemental fees.
The program is designed to develop a range of instrumental music skills and complements the BC Ministry of Education’s Music curriculum.
Students acquire knowledge about music theory, music skills (tonal and rhythmic), executive or instrumental playing skills, and ensemble skills. In each instrumental group, the following skills are taught:
- Music Making Skills:
Students learn how to keep time, hear pitch, and control musical expression - Instrument Playing Skills:
Students learn how to hold an instrument, make the appropriate sounds, and control the pitch of the instrument: - Music Reading Skills:
Students begin with the basics of musical notation and progress to reading more complex music as their playing skills increase - Group Skills:
Students develop the ability to work cooperatively and democratically in a group, building on the ideals of shared work, empathy, and mutual support.
Students are asked to indicate which instrument they are interested in playing. Your band teacher will have input regarding final instrument choice.
2024 – 2025 Online band registration form
Fees should be paid at the time of registration. You may pay online via PayPal (no account required) or by cheque made out to West Vancouver Schools. Payment by cheque should be indicated on the online registration form and cheques given directly to your child’s school band teacher as soon as possible.
Refund Policy: There is $50 non-refundable processing fee for all students, which will be deducted from any fees refunded for withdrawals made prior to the start of the 2024-2025 school year. Once the school year begins, all resources are committed for the year and NO REFUNDS will be made. Exceptional circumstances may be considered.
For more information, please contact your school band teacher through the school office.