District Illuminate Choral Ensembles
Students in Grades 8 - 12
If you are interested in this district program, complete the Student Information Form.
About the Program
The West Vancouver Schools’ Illuminate Choral Ensemble (formerly WVS Honour Choir Program) offer an opportunity to challenge and extend the learning of West Vancouver Schools’ finest young singers in Grades 8-12. Enrollment in their school choir for the year in which they are registered is a co-requisite for the Illuminate Choral Ensemble. Students, upon successful audition, will be placed by the program director into either the Illuminate Choral Ensemble (Grades 8-12) or the Lighthouse Ensemble (an invitational, touring ensemble). All choir courses are held on Tuesday evenings at West Vancouver Secondary School (South Campus Cafeteria Building, Room 64). The Illuminate Choral Ensemble will meet from 5:15-6:45 pm. The invitational, touring Lighthouse Ensemble will meet from 7:00-9:00 pm.
Successful applicants to the Illuminate Choral Ensembles must meet the prerequisites for the courses before applying:
- experience singing in a choir or equivalent vocal training (either school or community)
- knowledge of basic music theory (e.g., note names, basic note values, basic dynamics, and articulation markings)
- availability for concerts and extra rehearsals outside of regular class time (schedule provided at the start of each term)
- enrollment in their school choir for the year in which they are registered is a corequisite for the Illuminate Choral Ensembles.
Prerequisites for the Lighthouse Ensemble include the prerequisites for the Illuminate Ensembles in addition to the following:
- preference will be given to students who have already participated in the Treble or Mixed Illuminate Choirs
- minimum of 2 years singing in a school based/community based choral ensemble
- demonstration of music literacy and sight singing (solfege or numbers) required in the audition process
- a written essay on the personal qualities that the candidate has that would make him/her/them a valued member of an invitational ensemble
- an understanding that travel is part of the mandate of this ensemble, both for competition and performance and may include additional costs related to these opportunities
Audition Process
The auditions will cover a variety of vocal exercises to assess concepts such as vocal range, pitch accuracy, and tone quality. There will also be a basic theory quiz (dynamics, basic note values, basic articulations).
The Lighthouse Ensemble candidates will also need to write a more complex theory quiz (demonstrating knowledge of major and minor key signatures) and completing a 4-8 bar sight-singing exercise using solfege or numbers in a major key.
Auditions will be held at WVSS – date and time will be communicated to students via email.
Students should apply at the link provided on the District website and they will be notified by email of the student’s specific live audition time at WVSS.
The cost for the Illuminate Ensemble is $300 per year
The cost for the Lighthouse Ensemble is $500 per year
Integral to any performing arts program is the opportunity to perform in a variety of milieu. All of the Illuminate ensembles will be performing in festivals, participating in workshops, and have opportunities to travel and perform. Cost for these trips will vary but will be in addition to the course fees.
Contact WVS Illuminate Ensembles Director Mrs. Suzanne Fulton, for more information at sfulton@wvschools.ca
For more information:
Mrs. Suzanne Fulton
WVS Teacher
WVS District Honour Choir Director

Music Unites Us
This project was created with District Honour Choir families in support of Canada’s Music Monday on May 4, 2020.
The Sing Project
Choir teacher Suzanne Fulton coordinated The Sing Project, involving more than 550 choir students from across the district. School choir teachers were also involved, preparing each school’s choir for the big event.
The students performed the song ‘Sing’ by vocal group Pentatonix. Grade 12 videographer Owen Shields produced this video of the event, recorded in November, 2016.