In the linear timetable, students will attend their home schools and ITA Carpentry on alternating days (Day1/Day 2).
Interested students from other districts should contact Parnaz Kashani at pkashani@wvschools.ca as soon as possible so that we can work with their home school to develop a shared plan.
Students can participate in this Carpentry Program while remaining in their registered secondary school (e.g., Rockridge, Sentinel or WVSS) for core academic subjects.
Students across the North Shore who are registered in secondary schools outside of West Vancouver Schools (e.g., students registered in the North Vancouver School District) may be considered for the intensive program based on their circumstances.
YTT allows students to receive technical training, typically done at a post-secondary institution, while working towards high school graduation. Each student accepted into the program is registered as a trainee with the Industry Training Authority (ITA).
One of the components of assessment and completion is that students write the industry recognized certification exam at the end of the year. By participating in the Youth Train in Trades program, students receive 16 credits (4 courses) towards high school graduation, in addition to Level 1 Carpentry training.
Students also have the option to complete the Youth Work in Trades program, where the hours worked as an apprentice, can lead to journeyperson certification. Once students have completed 900+ hours in their trades work, they will be eligible to apply for a $1000 scholarship towards schooling in the trades.
The Youth Train in Trades program is usually completed at a post-secondary institution with associated tuition and materials costs. However, we are offering this YTT program to high school students as part of their graduation program at significantly reduced costs.
Participation in both the Youth Train In Trades (YTT) and the Youth Work In Trades (YWT) program are a desirable combination that enable students to pursue opportunities in carpentry and related trades. It also provides a beneficial path toward further technical training, advanced post-secondary programs and university degrees. Both, Youth Train in Trades and Youth Work in Trades programs can be taken in any order or at the same time and there are no prerequisites.