Grades K-7

Ridgeview Elementary school is located in central West Vancouver, affording prime opportunities for those wishing to embrace a healthy lifestyle and make healthy living choices. Our close proximity to parks, ocean, beaches, and local mountains provides members of our school community with easy access to nature walks, hiking, beach outings and winter sports.

We are proud of the excellent programs and extra-curricular activities offered at Ridgeview, which meet the individual needs of our students. We have been a member of the BC Network of Performance Based Schools for nine years and are highly involved in using Formative Assessment to improve student achievement. Staff development has been closely linked to the school’s focus and district goals. We have a highly dedicated team of teachers, Special Education Assistants and administrators. Collaborative planning and cross-grade teaching provide students with rigorous, relevant instruction. With a rich array of resources and professional development opportunities, our educational team works to provide students with the best possible instructional program at all times.

Our many programs include a comprehensive Literacy Program K – 7, wireless laptop instruction for all students, collaborative inquiry in the sciences, K-7 Healthy Schools programs, Choral and Band programs, challenge programs and an individual student tracking program to ensure that each child is able to achieve his or her best.

Parents at Ridgeview consult, collaborate, and participate in making decisions that promote a positive, supportive, healthy and challenging school environment.

Ridgeview School focuses on student leadership, academic excellence, global citizenship and environmental stewardship. We take pride in providing a safe, happy, exciting school program for our students.

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