Super Achievers    |     Information & Criteria     |     Application Form     |     Coach Form B     |     Student Achievement

Super Achievers Information and Application

Sentinel Secondary School
1250 Chartwell Drive,
West Vancouver B.C.
V7S 2R2
Telephone: 604-981-1130

Rockridge Secondary School
5350 Headland Drive,
West Vancouver, B.C.
V7W 3H2
Telephone: 604-981-1300

West Vancouver Secondary School
1750 Mathers Avenue,
West Vancouver, B.C.
V7V 2G7
Telephone: 604-981-1100

School Contacts

Educational progress of students in Super Achievers is monitored by the schools’ counsellors or school administrator responsible for it. For the 2017-2018 school year, the following knowledgeable and experienced educators are responsible for the program at each of the school sites:

Mr. John Crowley, Vice-Principal
Ms. Rebecca Rowley, Vice-Principal
Mr. Garth Thomson, Vice-Principal

Rockridge Secondary:
Ecole Sentinel Secondary:
West Vancouver Secondary:

Parents who have questions or concerns regarding the application process or required supporting documents are to contact the school’s person-in-charge.

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An Overview

Students registered at Rockridge, Sentinel or West Vancouver Secondary School are eligible to apply to Super Achievers.

Students NEW to the school district or NEW to the school of choice, must first register to the school by registration deadline PRIOR to applying online for Super Achievers.

Super Achievers is designed to assist students in balancing their rigorous academic schedules in conjunction with their long hours of high level training and ongoing high level competitions. We recognize that all students have very busy schedules. However, this program is specifically for students (historically, but not restricted to Grades 10-12) who have very rigorous academic timetables along with daily long hours of training and competitions that greatly impact their ability to manage their coursework and continue to train and compete at an elite level.

Super Achievers targets provincially and nationally-ranked athletes or high-calibre performing artists who are seriously committed to their education and training.

Students must be affiliated with an outside agency which provides training and completion opportunities at an elite level.

While there are no specific course credits assigned to a student enrolled in Super Achievers, students may be eligible for external course credits if they are training and competing at levels outlined by the Ministry of Education. External course credits, where applicable, are granted after students submit the necessary documentation as outlined by the Ministry of Education.

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Super Achievers blocks in the student timetable, fixed afternoon blocks or rotating morning blocks depending upon student training needs and timetable block availability.



Each one of our secondary schools works to provide flexible scheduling where possible when requested for training or performance requirements. Provisions are made by staff to ensure that students have an opportunity to satisfy their school course requirements.

Examples include:

  • Granting of assignments prior to departure
  • Extending deadlines for projects
  • Rescheduling of exams or tests when students have given adequate notice of upcoming training sessions, competitions or performances

Each one of the secondary schools’ counsellors works with students to ensure that all required courses for graduation are considered when scheduling the students’ secondary school programs.

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Planning 10 & Physical Education 10

A reminder that both Planning 10 and Physical Education 10 are required courses for graduation. If not completed within the school timetable, students must complete these courses online with the Vancouver School Board (VSB), or at Summer School. A school may offer alternate Physical Education courses for students to support students in Super Achievers.

Students competing or performing at an elite level may also receive additional external course credits that may be applied to their graduation program such as External Athlete 10, 11 & 12 which recognizes athletes who are competing at a regional or national level. In these cases, documentation must be provided to the school. Please note that qualifying for these credits does not automatically imply that a student is meeting the requirements for the Super Achievers Program.

Successful applicants may be required to attend a meeting conducted by the school’s counsellor or person-in-charge during the first month of school commencement to review expectations, to provide information and to answer questions.

Application Information for both NEW and RETURNING Students »

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