


Each year our secondary schools host dozens of universities from all over the world to provide our students with every opportunity to understand what is available to them. Our counsellors have access to hundreds of universities within Canada and internationally and work with our students as they navigate the post-secondary options available to them.

Our students have access to our District calendar of Post-Secondary University Visits  

School Contacts

School Contacts

District Post-Secondary & Career Advisor – Leesa Alldred (
Rockridge – Bianca Ferrajohn (
Sentinel – Lisa Ulinder (
WVSS – Catherine Walton (


Counsellors - All Schools

List of all Counsellors

Course Planning

Student Services



B.C. Graduation Program

Upgrading you marks after high school:

Adult Education Learning Options

B.C. Program Search

Post Secondary

Post Secondary

Post Secondary Resources

Scholarships & Awards

Scholarships & Awards

Scholarships & Awards

The Premier Place for Learning prior to Post Secondary

West Vancouver Schools has a world class career-life program designed to assist students in reflecting on where their personal interests and strengths overlap with emerging career-life opportunities in the world. 

Our counsellors assist students with their academic planning, post-secondary planning and scholarship opportunities.  They are familiar with Canadian, American and UK universities, along with other top international institutions. Our schools host dozens of university fairs and visits in addition to our counsellors visiting many of these universities.  

Each school has an extensive online resource catalogue which helps students and families to make their decision on life after high school. 

Career Counselling:

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