AP 163 – Hearing Conservation Program


In accordance with WorkSafeBC Regulations, the Board will implement and annually review the noise control and hearing conservation program.

Noise Measurement:

Where required, the Board measures noise exposure on equipment that meets the Canadian Standards Association specification and keeps records of measurements on file. Noise will not be measured if a noise control and hearing conservation program has been previously established for an employee in congruence with WorkSafeBC’s Bulletin WS 2015-06 How Loud is it? – Schools which provides typical noise exposures In schools.

Education and Training:

All affected employees will receive information on the effects of noise on hearing; the use and maintenance of hearing protection; and the purpose of hearing testing during the annual Health and Safety review. Employees will also review this information at the time of the worker’s annual hearing test. Educational material is available on the Board’s website in the Health and Safety section.

Noise Control:

Suggestions for noise control solutions are solicited from workers and are passed along to the Joint Health & Safety Committee for recommendations to management and the District Health and Safety Committee. Noise control will follow the hierarchical control of: elimination/substitution, engineered controls, administrative controls, and personal protective equipment.

Hearing Protection:

Where appropriate, hearing protection that meets the requirements of CSA Standard Z94.2-02, Hearing Protection Devices – Performance, Selection, Care, and Use will be issued to workers. Custom hearing protection may be considered for workers by completing the WVS Reimbursement Application Form.

Posting of Noise Hazard Areas:
All areas with noise levels greater than 85 dBA Lex have been posted with warning signs indicating hearing protection is required. Supervisors check the condition of these signs during site inspections. Replacement of signs is undertaken as necessary.

Hearing Tests:

Occupations with Noise-exposed employees have been identified either via historical noise exposure surveys or via the WorkSafeBC Bulletin WS 2015-06 How Loud is it? – Schools (Appendix A). Annual hearing tests are scheduled for these workers. Non-noise exposed workers are not tested. Hearing testing, counselling and record keeping are conducted in accordance with the OH6S Regulation. Hearing test files are maintained by the Board.

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