AP 156 – Observation of Classes


Parents and/or legal guardians are welcome to observe their children’s classes in accordance with the following procedures which are designed to protect the learning atmosphere for all students.

1. Generally, it is expected that parents or legal guardians wishing to observe their children in elementary classrooms will discuss the reasons for the visit with the teacher at least twenty- four (24) hours in advance of the visit. The teacher will discuss the visit with the Principal. Reasonable requests will not be denied.

2. Generally, it is expected that parents or legal guardians wishing to observe their children in secondary classrooms will discuss the reasons for the visit with the Principal at least twenty- four (24) hours in advance. The Principal will discuss the visit with the teacher. Reasonable requests will not be denied.

3. The timing of the parent/guardian visits will depend on factors such as:

3.1 Learning activity in progress;
3.2 Disruption to the classroom;
3.3 Sensitivities of all students;
3.4 Number of requests;
3.5 Urgency.

4. All visitors will notify the office when they enter and leave the school.

5. Requests to observe students by persons other than the parent or guardian will be decided by the Principal after consideration of the specifics of the request, the application of Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy considerations, and any other related information required based on the individual request. Whenever appropriate, consultation with the teacher will occur prior to the observation.

Legal Reference:
Sections 17, 20, 22, 65, 85 School Act

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