AP 154 – Elections


Where federal, provincial or local election campaigns are in progress, the following general procedures apply to ensure that schools are not identified with a specific political stance.

1. No class time shall be made available for uninvited political speakers.
2. Discretion shall be used in inviting speakers who have political positions to present. If any are presented, then all parties must be given equal opportunity. Teachers shall clear the matter with the Principal and Superintendent or designate before extending invitations or granting approval.
3. Where election issues are dealt with by the staff in current events or other areas, steps must be taken to ensure that each party’s position is fairly stated.
4. No political advertising will be posted, distributed and/or published in schools except that it may be used by teachers to illustrate, in an objective fashion, the workings of the political process.

Legal Reference: Sections 17, 20, 22, 65, 85 School Act
Local Government Act elections provisions.

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