The West Vancouver School District is committed to fostering a learning environment where technology plays an important role in enhancing educational experiences and improving operational efficiencies. The District’s technology infrastructure, which includes networks, digital tools, devices, digital services, such as artificial intelligence (AI), communications and other technologies, is provided to support student learning, professional development, and administrative functions.
The purpose of this administrative procedure is to provide guidelines for the responsible, ethical, and equitable use of all technology resources within the West Vancouver School District. These guidelines govern the use of district technology at all times.
District Technology
The West Vancouver School District’s technology includes District-provided:
- Hardware: Devices like computers, tablets, printers, and peripherals,
- Networks: Internal and cloud-based
- Accounts: User accounts providing access to network services, including email, internet and other resources for teaching and learning and operational needs.
- Cloud Applications: Cloud-based services supporting educational and operational
- Users must adhere to the district and school Codes of Conduct in using district
- All district provided electronic systems and services, including email, are district property and may be monitored or inspected at any time.
- District Technology shall only be used by authorized
- Users must ensure the safeguarding of PII (Personal Identifiable Information) at all
- Users are responsible for maintaining the security of their accounts and
- It is the responsibility of all users to bring safety, privacy, security or breach concerns to the attention of the appropriate person or authority.
- The District reserves the right to limit or revoke access to district technology for individual users or groups as necessary.
- All schools and departments will communicate the purposes, benefits, and risks associated with the use of the District Technology.
- School sites will ensure that parents/guardians and students acknowledge and agree to abide by acceptable use practices annually through the West Vancouver Schools on-line Policy and Procedure form.
- Teachers will review district technology guidelines and expectations with students prior to technology access. (see appendix)
- AII new employees must sign an Acceptable Use form at the time of
Prohibited Use:
The following actions are strictly prohibited when using district technology:
- Engaging in activities that violate local, provincial, federal or international
- Accessing, downloading, storing, transmitting or posting inappropriate material (e.g., defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening or racially offensive content)
- Duplicating, downloading, storing or transmitting material that violates copyright law
- Participating in malicious activities such as hacking, phishing, spreading malware, unauthorized access, data breaches, pyramid schemes, or any other activity that would violate, or attempt to violate the security of district systems
- Use of other individual’s credentials (e.g. district passwords, accounts, )
- Use for personal business purposes or activities unrelated to school operations
- Engaging in advertising, product promotion or political lobbying;
- Accessing or using unauthorized online games, websites or
- Inappropriate or prohibited use of district technology may result in the suspension or termination of user privileges, along with other potential consequences, including disciplinary or legal action and financial liability