AP 131 – Variation of School Hours


 Any variation of school hours approved by the Superintendent must be consistent with the local school calendar approved by the Board and must accommodate the minimum number of minutes prescribed by the Ministry.


  1. The hours of instruction as prescribed by the School Act and regulations comprise the minimum that schools will offer.
  2. Annually, on or before April 15 of each school year, the Principal will inform the Superintendent of the school’s proposed schedule for the subsequent school year if a change is contemplated.
  3. Requests for variation in school hours will be adjudicated by the Superintendent as and when Such requests must address potential impacts on:

3.1 Collective agreements.

3.2 Bus schedules.

3.3 Ferry Schedules.

3.4 Parent expectations.

3.5 Staff member expectations.

3.6 Any other related items specific to the school community.

Legal Reference: Sections 8, 22, 65, 77, 78, 78.1, 85 School Act

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