Superintendent’s letter to parents March 10, 2022
Dear Students and Families,
Before we go on spring break, I want to provide a brief update on recent announcements and preview the upcoming term.
You will likely have seen Dr. Bonnie Henry’s announcement yesterday with the lifting of the mask mandate in our province, including schools. Wearing a mask in our schools will be a personal choice following spring break. There are several other changes that see a lifting of restrictions in the K-12 setting.
Q&A with Vancouver Coastal Health – January 27, 2022
Superintendent’s letter to parents January 21 2022
Good afternoon parents and guardians,
I want to connect with all of you as we approach the end of our second week back with students. Our school staff are thrilled to have our students back in the buildings.
The last you heard directly from me was on the potential for functional school closures. We have been monitoring our staff and student attendance every day and I am pleased to see that it is steady. Our overall staff attendance has been above 90% each day, and our student attendance this week is about 84% which is improved from last week. We are monitoring our attendance rates daily and sharing information with Provincial health and education authorities.