Announcements- 2021
Superintendent’s letter to parents December 31 2021
Dear families,
I hope you are enjoying a restful winter break. With the recent announcement that the return to school has been delayed I want to reconnect before the new year.
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November 29, 2021 – Board Decision on Vaccine Mandate for Staff
After carefully considering information provided by public health and our local medical health officer, a review of the K-12
Sector Guidelines for Vaccination Policies, and guidance provided by the BC Public Schools Employers Association, the West
Vancouver Board of Education is not proceeding with a COVID-19 vaccine policy for staff at this time. Read More
Superintendent’s letter to parents November 22 2021
Hi Everyone,
We are all aware that one of the impacts of the severe weather last week has been fuel shortages, and specific measures introduced by the Provincial government to deal with these shortages.
In response to the provincial fuel shortage the Ministry of Education is asking all impacted school districts to make adjustments for the period from now until December 1st.
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October 29, 2021 – Board reviewing vaccine mandate
Dear West Vancouver Schools parents, staff and students,
At an in-camera meeting on October 29, the West Vancouver Board of Education requested the District Leadership team to obtain additional data relevant to a potential staff vaccine policy. The Board will continue to work with the Ministry of Education, the BC Public Schools Employers’ Association, our local medical health officer, stakeholders and rightsholders in our consultation process. Read More
Superintendent’s letter to parents October 1 2021 re masks
October 1, 2021
Dear All Students, Staff and Parents,
Upon direction from the Provincial Health Officer, West Vancouver Schools will extend its mandatory masking policy from grades 4-12 to K-12. This policy will come into effect Monday, October 4th, consistent with updated guidelines from the CDC and the Ministry of Education.
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Superintendent’s letter to parents February 26 2021
Dear parents,
I want to reach out to you today with some updates and some requests. As we have now passed the one-year mark of living with COVID-19 in our community, I want to extend my deepest appreciation to our school and district staff who continue to work vigilantly to ensure our schools remain safe. We know how incredibly important consistent in-class instruction is for our students, not only for their learning but for their social and emotional well-being.