Andrew Kay
October 18, 2022 - 5 minutes readHIGHLIGHTS OF QUALIFICATIONS
Degrees and Certificates Held:
- Bachelor of Education (Physics), University of BC.
- Bachelor of Science (Physics), University of BC.
- Dive Master and Open Water Dive Instructor Certification, PADI.
- Emergency First Aid and CPR/AED level C CSA Std.Z1210-17-Basic, Canadian Red Cross.
- First Aid Instructor (w/ AED) Certification, Emergency First Response [non-instructional status].
- Machine shop competency and safety, Physics Department, University of BC.
- GTAW Welding, BCIT
Management skills:
- Over 10 years’ experience in Special Events coordination.
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
- Able to work with demanding clients and staff with patience and tact.
- Can easily multitask and improvise when required, in order to meet deadlines.
- Detail oriented without losing sight of the “big picture”.
- Strong Motivational and Interpersonal skills with students and staff.
- Budget preparation and oversight.
- Extensive computer skills:
- hardware, operating systems, programming and end user application, technical support.
- Operates own physics, mathematics and computer consulting business.
- Created a new technology / pre-engineering program at St. George’s School (still operational).
- National Chair of a Committee that created a provincial, then national level, high school robotics competition.
- Coached award winning robotics teams in VEX EDR, VEX IQ, MATE (Marine Advanced Technology in Education) and AUVSI RoboSub competitions.
- Motivated students to provide thousands of hours of volunteer time.
- Participated in Health and Safety committees.
- Participated in conducting Youth Leadership camps.
- Chaperoned numerous weeklong out trips with teenaged boys (internationally and back country) without incident.
- Repeat workshop facilitator at annual BC Technical Educator’s Association conferences.
Teacher, Saint George’s School, Vancouver, BC Sep/95-Aug/22
- Secondary level Mathematics, Physics and Technology.
- Assembly and Events Organizer [2012].
- Community Service co-ordinator [2005], SCUBA Program Director [2017], Badminton [2015], Sailing [2006] and Robotics Team Coach.
- Primary polyjet 3D printer (Stratasys Objet30Pro) operator / technician
SCUBA Instructor, U.B.C. Aqua Society, Vancouver, BC Sep/96-Dec/98
Summer Camp Course Instructor, Saint George’s Summer School Jun/96-Jul/97
- Computer re-building course for 12-15 year old children.
Physics Tutor, Saint George’s School, Vancouver, BC Jan/95–May/95
- Extra-curricular support for students taking senior level physics courses.
Assistant Manager / Primary Technician, London Drugs Ltd., Vancouver, BC Dec/91-Aug/94
- Retail sales of MS-DOS PC’s, software, and business machines.
- Technical Support: MS-DOS / Windows / Network Systems.
- Company Operations Staff Trainer; Sales Staff Supervisor.
Educational Lab Technical Support, Physics Department, UBC, Vancouver, BC Sep/91-Mar/92
- First year student physics lab set-up and maintenance.
Student Academic Assistant, Physics Department, UBC, Vancouver, BC May/91-Aug/91
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of biological structures.
Student Academic Assistant, Oceanography Dept., UBC, Vancouver, BC May/90-Aug/90
- Statistical analysis of historical river hydrography and climatology.
Photographic/Electronic Sales/Photo Lab Asst., London Drugs Ltd., Vancouver, BC May/86-Dec/91
Photographic Sales, Kerrisdale Cameras Ltd., Vancouver, BC
Board Member, Pacific Youth Robotics Society [PYRS] (Vancouver) Mar/19-Ongoing
- Assist in the logistics in hosting of VEX robotics tournaments.
Engineering Design Process Judge, AUVSI RoboBoat Competition (United States)
- Evaluate university autonomous surface vessel contest entries.
Adjudicator, District Authority Scholarships, Vancouver, BC May/21
- Evaluate high school scholarship applications.
Engineering Design Process Judge, SeaPerch Competition (United States) Mar/19-Ongoing
- Evaluate high school underwater remotely operated vehicle contest entries.
Adjudicator, Dogwood Scholarships, Vancouver, BC May/17
- Evaluate high school scholarship applications.
National Technical Chair, SkillsCanada (National) Sep/02-May/06
- Design high school robotics competition challenges; organize national robotics events.
Provincial Technical Chair, Robotics, SkillsCanada (British Columbia) Sep/01-Sep/02
- Implement high school robotics competitions; organize provincial robotics events.
Computer Technician, B.C. Tel Pioneers / Computers for Schools, Vancouver, BC
- Repair and refurbish discarded computer systems for use in schools.
Dive Master, U.B.C. Aqua Society, Vancouver, BC Dec/94-Aug/96
- Assisting with SCUBA diving training (safety, instruction and planning).
Elected Executive (Newsletter Editor), U.B.C. Aqua Society, Vancouver, BC Sep/91-May/92
- Edit and desktop publish the society paper (circulation 200+).
- Coordinator for society events; safety escort for novice divers.
Elected Executive (Grad. Representative), U.B.C. Physics Society, Vancouver, BC Sep/90-May/91
- Liaison between the society and the graduating class.
- Coordinator for society events and fund raising.
- Robotics (construction of electronic circuits and mechanical systems)
- Photography (35mm, 120, B&W Darkroom, Digital, Underwater, Astronomical)