Assessments for the 2025-2026 school year will take place on Monday, April 14 and Wednesday, April 16 from 3:30 to 5:00 at WVSS.  If you are interested in attending these, please complete a Student Information Form to register.

The Volleyball Academy is designed for students who are interested in developing their skill level and advancing their game play in a fun and inclusive environment. 

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The Concept

The Premier Volleyball Academy training program is open to students, Grades 8-12 who are registered full time in any one of district’s public schools: Rockridge, Sentinel or West Vancouver Secondary Schools.


  • To develop knowledge, skills, and abilities in the sport of volleyball
  • To follow the Long-Term Athlete Development (LTAD) model to match the appropriate skills to the age level
  • To provide activities that ensure all students feel welcomed and a valued part of the collective group
  • To provide progressive activities that improve students’ overall confidence and self-esteem
  • To communicate and reiterate the importance of sportsmanship when participating in activities
  • To motivate students to enjoy and participate in the sport of volleyball for life, be it as a recreational player, competitive player, referee, or coach.
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The Schedule

Students, Grades 8-12, registered full time at any one of West Vancouver Schools is eligible to apply. (Rockridge, Ecole Sentinel or West Vancouver Secondary School).

The location of the WVS Premier Volleyball Academy:  West Vancouver Secondary School (WVSS) gymnasium

West Vancouver Schools runs a linear schedule.

There are two cohorts: Early morning Development training & Afternoon training

Both cohorts are scheduled on Day 1 which means the training sessions are:

Week One: Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Week Two: Tuesday, Thursday

Early Morning Development: Day 1 mornings from 7:00 – 8:00 a.m.

Afternoon: Day 1 from 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.

Once the on-court assessment is completed, parents and students will be informed which cohort the student will participate.


Bus transportation is not provided for the morning sessions.

One way bus transportation is provided to WVSS for the afternoon sessions.

The Courses

Students who participate and complete the program for the school year receive the following Ministry courses, corresponding to the applicable student grade level:

  • Physical & Health Education 8
  • Physical & Health Education 9
  • Physical & Health Education 10
  • Fitness & Conditioning 11
  • Fitness & Conditioning 12
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Assessment & Evaluation

In our academy programs, we care about our students. We work to ensure a welcoming environment, one that helps ensure students feel a sense of belonging as the participate in the programs.

We implement a variety of strategies to help students identify individual goals and then we strive to help students meet those individual goals, reflecting on their ongoing journeys along the way.

Early Morning Cohort: 7:00 – 8:00 a.m. Day 1 (no transportation provided) $200 per month x 10 months ($2000 per year)

Afternoon Cohort: 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Day 1 (transportation provided) $275 per month x 10 months ($2750 per year)


To apply to the WVS Premier Volleyball Academy, complete the Student Information Form, ensuring that a copy of the student’s most recent report is uploaded. Parents will then be informed of the dates/times for the on-court assessment.

After an on-court assessment, parents and students will be informed of the results through the WVS Premier Sports Academy Office. Those students who are confirmed for the program will complete the paperwork required to secure the student’s spot.

Contact Information

Ms. Tara Ledingham
Assistant, WVS Premier Academies

Students interested in the Premier Volleyball Academy must submit the Student Information Form.

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