SOGI in Secondary Classes

SOGI in Elementary Classes

SOGI Myths & Facts

Understand SOGI Resources

1.Introduction and Definition of SOGI
It is important for schools to be inclusive and safe spaces for students of all sexual orientations and gender identities. Being SOGI-inclusive means:
- Speaking about SOGI in a way that makes every student feel like they belong
- Welcoming everyone without discrimination, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity
Everyone has a sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI). It is an inclusive term that applies to all humans. British Columbian schools have found the following methods are helping reduce discrimination and risky behaviours among all students:
- Including SOGI in our school codes of conduct as per B.C. Human Rights Code, the Canadian Human Rights Act, and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- Creating a sense of belonging in classrooms
- Teaching about valuing diversity and respecting differences.
There is no “SOGI curriculum.” However, throughout K-12 curriculum and developmentally appropriate school activities, students and teachers explore the topic of human rights and:
- What it means to value diversity and respect differences
- How to respond to discrimination
Teachers may include developmentally appropriate discussions around the B.C. Human Rights Code, sexual orientation, and gender identity.
SOGI 1 2 3 is a B.C Ministry of Education & Childcare resource that supports educators in addressing these topics in the provincial curriculum. It helps schools create safe, caring and inclusive learning environments for all students regardless of their race, culture, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity and expression. Educators are not required to use this resource .
2. Resources
a. Parent/Guardian
Parents can ask their school’s administrator or child’s classroom teacher for more information on SOGI-inclusive resources or practices at the school. Parents/guardians can also visit the following provincial resource links.
- Click link entitled “Ministry of Education” guidelines Link
b. Students
We have legal, ethical, and moral obligations to ensure that all of our students feel welcome in West Vancouver Schools. Educational research and experience demonstrate that students can only learn when they feel safe at school, it is therefore our responsibility to safeguard our student population to ensure all individuals are welcomed and represented in the curriculum. For more information about the developmental considerations in B.C. public schools, please visit the following resources links.
c. Teachers
Educators address topics of belonging and diversity throughout all subject areas of the provincial curriculum. For information related to provincial educational resources, please visit the following resource link.
- SOGI Elementary Lesson Plans Link
District contact: Sandra-Lynn Shortall, Director of Instruction – Inclusive Education,