A World of Opportunity...

West Vancouver Schools

In order to provide a direct communication link between the Board and parents, each school has been assigned a trustee as a liaison with the Board.

School Liaison Trustees 2024/25:

Carolyn Broady (Chair)

Chartwell Elementary, Ecole Cedardale Elementary, Ridgeview Elementary, West Bay Elementary, West Vancouver Secondary

Nicole Brown (Vice Chair)

Caulfeild iDEC Elementary, Irwin Park Elementary, Ecole Pauline Johnson Elementary, Rockridge Secondary, Ecole Sentinel Secondary

Felicia Zhu

Bowen Island Community School, Cypress Park Elementary, Eagle Harbour Montessori, Westcot Elementary, Rockridge Secondary

Dave Stevenson

Gleneagles Ch’axáý Elementary, Hollyburn Elementary, Lions Bay Elementary, Ecole Sentinel Secondary, Inglewood Secondary

Board Committees 2024/25:

Finance and Facilities: Dave Stevenson, TBD
Human Resources: Nicole Brown, Felicia Zhu
Audit: TBD, Felicia Zhu


Representatives (Alternates) to Other Organizations:

OrganizationRepresentative (Alt)
BC Public Schools Employers’ AssociationNicole Brown
BCSTA Metro MeetingsAll
BCSTA Provincial CouncilTBD
Bargaining CouncilNicole Brown
Child Care Working GroupNicole Brown
Coho Society of the North ShoreTBD
ELL Metro ConsortiumTBD
North Shore CongressAll
Impact North ShoreFelicia Zhu
North Shore Local Governance Liaison CommitteeCarolyn Broady
North Shore Substance Abuse Working GroupDave Stevenson
West Vancouver Arts Centre TrustCarolyn Broady & TBD
West Vancouver Chamber of CommerceAll
West Vancouver District Parents’ Advisory CouncilCarolyn Broady & Nicole Brown
West Vancouver Joint Traffic & Safety CommitteeCarolyn Broady
West Vancouver Streamkeeper SocietyFelicia Zhu
West Vancouver Upper Lands ReviewDave Stevenson & Felicia Zhu
Youth Mental HealthTBD
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