AP 110 – Parents’ Advisory Councils


The District will support the parents of any school wishing to organize a Parents’ Advisory Council and will enable a properly constituted Council to be established at that school.

The District values and encourages two-way communications with its parent communities in the schools.


1. Parents of children at District schools may apply to the District to establish a Parents’ Advisory Council, if one does not already exist. Only one (1) Council is allowed for each school. On receipt of the application, the District will establish the Council.

2. A Parents’ Advisory Council, in consultation with the Principal, must establish bylaws governing its meetings and the conduct of its business, including bylaws governing the dissolution of the Council. The Secretary Treasurer’s office will make available to any group of parents that request it, a model set of bylaws to assist in the organization of a Council. These bylaws are representative only and may be used, altered or not used totally at the discretion of the forming Council.

3. A Parents’ Advisory Council, through its elected officers, may advise school staff, the Principal, or the Board on any issue or concern. Advice or consultation on a District level will be sought from Councils from time-to-time as required by the Board.

4. Each Parents’ Advisory Council is urged to develop procedures for issuing periodic financial reports to parents and the Principal. On request, the Secretary Treasurer is available to assist with developing appropriate procedures and reports.

5. To manage the risks associated with Council activities, the District will ensure that Councils direct all of their risk management inquiries through the office of the Secretary Treasurer who is responsible for ensuring that Councils abide by the District’s guidelines for such things as managing activities and contracting for services. All Council activities must be sanctioned by the District and must comply with Board policy and administrative procedures.

6. Councils must be advised of the proper reporting procedure for filing incident reports and claims. The procedure will be the same as used for other District incidents and claims.

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