MYP Science 8 is designed to increase students’ understanding of scientific concepts and facts while giving them practical experience in the outdoor and laboratory setting. The Science 8 curriculum elements support learning in biology, physics, chemistry, and Earth science through the following big ideas:
- Cells are a basic unit of life
- Energy can be transferred as both a particle and a wave
- The kinetic molecular theory and the theory of the atom explain the behaviour of matter
- The theory of plate tectonics is the unifying theory that explains Earth’s geological processes.
Topics of study will include the Kinetic Molecular Theory, Atomic Theory, Electromagnetic Radiation, Light Optics, Cell Biology, Pathogens & Immunity, and Plate Tectonics. Connections between these topics and inquiry into their relevance in the world outside the classroom are emphasized.
Assessment is based on the 4 Sciences criteria of the IB Middle Years Program: Knowing and Understanding (through quizzes and tests), Inquiring and Designing (through design labs), Processing and Analyzing (through labs) and Reflecting on the Impacts of Science (through reports and presentations).
MYP SCIENCE 9 (Year 4)
MYP Science 9 is designed to expand and develop students’ understanding of scientific concepts and skills as well as expose students to contemporary issues involving science and society. The Science 9 curriculum elements support learning in biology, physics, chemistry, and Earth science through the following big ideas:
- Cells are derived from cells
- Electricity is the flow of electrons.
- The electron arrangement of atoms impacts their chemical nature.
- The biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere are interconnected, as matter cycles and energy flows through them.
Topics of study include Ecology, Elements & Compounds, Electricity, and Reproduction. Connections between these topics and their relationship to real-world topics and issues are emphasized.
Assessment is based on the 4 criteria of the IB Middle Years Program: Knowing and Understanding (through quizzes and tests), Inquiring and Designing (through design labs), Processing and Analyzing (through labs) and Reflecting on the Impacts of Science (through reports and presentations).
MYP Science 10 is designed to expand and refine students’ understanding of the four core fields of science as well as challenge students to evaluate the use of scientific technologies in real world contexts. The Science 10 curriculum elements support learning in biology, physics, chemistry, and Earth science through the following big ideas:
- Genes are the foundation for the diversity of living things.
- Chemical processes require energy change as atoms are rearranged.
- Energy is conserved and its transformation can affect living things and the environment.
- The formation of the universe can be explained by the big bang theory.
Topics of study include Genetics, Chemical Reactions, Radioactivity, Energy and Astronomy. Connections between these topics and their relationship to real-world topics and issues are emphasized. This course will assist students in their selection of Science fields to further explore in grade 11 and/or 12.
Assessment is based on the 4 criteria of the IB Middle Years Program: Knowing and Understanding (through quizzes and tests), Inquiring and Designing (through design labs), Processing and Analyzing (through labs) and Reflecting on the Impacts of Science (through reports and presentations).
This course is an exciting look into cell biology, evolution and classification of life. It is a complex course that is well-suited to students with effective time management skills who have an active interest in Biology. Students will explore the world of bacteria, algae, plants, fungi, invertebrates and even selected vertebrates. Students will be expected to be fully present and prepared for each class by making summaries from required readings and/or videos. There are several hands-on experiences over the course of the year, including simulations, bacteria cultures, microscope work and a dissection. Highlights of the year will include several guided walks outdoors and a 3-4 day trip to the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre on Vancouver Island.
Assessment is broad-based and includes assignments, lab activities and tests.
This course is mandatory if Biology AP is to be completed in the grade 12 year. Students enrolled in AP Biology must be self-motivated and welcome a challenge. This is a great course to prepare students for the rigors of University. This course will explore Biology as a process, utilizing various themes to explore concepts from Biology 11 in addition to the concepts of the AP Biology program. Topics include cell replication and division, genetics and heredity, biodiversity, ecology, and evolution. Students will be engaged with discussion, projects, self-directed studies, laboratory work, and field trips, including a five day trip to the Bamfield Marine Science Centre on Vancouver Island. Optional fee for enrichment materials-$50.
Anatomy and Physiology 12 is a course that builds on the competencies and big ideas of Life Sciences 11 but with a focus on the human body. It is a complex course that is well-suited to students with effective time management skills who have an active interest in Biology. In Anatomy & Physiology, students will explore cells, tissues, organs, and major organ systems with an emphasis on the relationships between systems in maintaining homeostasis (balance). Students will be expected to demonstrate their learning through microscope work, experimental design & analysis, dissections, creative assignments, presentations, and reflections. Students may choose to opt-out of dissections but will be required to complete an alternate assignment. There is a final exam in the course worth 25%.
(ABIO-12 ~ 4 CREDITS each for AP BIOLOGY and BIOLOGY 12)
This course is a continuation of concepts and skills learned in Life Science 11 pre AP. Students enrolled in AP Biology must be self-motivated and welcome a challenge. This is a great course to prepare students for the rigors of University. This course will explore Biology as a process, utilizing various themes to explore concepts from Biology 12 in addition to the concepts of the AP Biology program. Students will receive credit for both Biology 12 and Biology AP. Topics include biochemistry, cellular biology and energetics, molecular genetics, biotechnology, and human physiology. Students will be engaged with discussion, projects, self-directed studies, laboratory work, and field trips. Students will be required to enroll in an additional tutorial block, within the timetable, that meets approximately every second rotation. Fee for enrichment materials-$110.
AP PSYCHOLOGY 12 (a social-science elective)
Advanced Placement Psychology is an elective course open to both grade 11 and 12 students. It is a general introductory psychology course equivalent to first-year university studies. AP Psychology will introduce you to the study of the behaviour and mental processes of human beings and other animals. You will be exposed to the psychological facts, principles, and phenomena associated with each of the major subfields within psychology. During your exploration of these fields, you will also learn about the ethics and methods psychologists use in their science and practice. How does memory work? Is behaviour determined by nature or nurture? How are fears created? What is the interplay between thought and behaviour? These and many other fascinating questions will frame the subject matter of this course.
It is recommended that students enrolling in this course have a strong academic standing and/or are highly motivated to undertake this rigorous academic curriculum. Strong reading comprehension and time management skills are required.
NOTE: AP Psychology includes science content but it is considered an elective course. It will not fulfill the Science 11 course requirement for graduation.
In a semester timetable this course may require tutorial attendance in the morning, after school, or during X-Block. Please plan accordingly.
(MCH–11 ~ 4 CREDITS)
Chemistry 11 is a course designed to introduce the main ideas, principles and verifying concepts in chemistry, and provide a basis for Chemistry 12 and university entrance to many programs. Skills learned in Mathematics 10 and Science 10 are critical to success in Chemistry 11.
Topics include: Organic Chemistry, uncertainty in measurement, nomenclature, chemical reactions, the mole concept and Avogadro’s Number problems using balanced equations, solutions and ions, molarity, and electron configuration and bonding.
(MCH–12 ~ 4 CREDITS)
Chemistry 12 is an extensive course which furthers the concepts and skills learned in Chemistry 11. The main topics covered in this course are reaction kinetics, equilibrium, solubility equilibrium, acid/base reactions, pH, buffers and redox reactions. Chemistry 12 is a lab based course where the skills and equipment used will be supportive of further studies in the sciences.
Minimum B average in Chemistry 11 is recommended.
AP Chemistry 12 builds on the learning of Pre-AP Chemistry 11 and covers material completed in Chemistry 12 as well as first year university chemistry curriculum. This course is taught concurrently with Chemistry 12 during a separate tutorial block that meets within the timetable approximately every second rotation. AP Chemistry students must also enroll in Chemistry 12. This is a challenging but rewarding course for students who are interested in an enrichment opportunity. Students must be self-starters who are highly motivated and prepared to complete assignments/projects during the extended breaks throughout the school year. In May students will have the opportunity to write the AP Chemistry exam, which can count toward college/university course credit at some institutions. Students will be engaged in diverse learning opportunities including class discussions, laboratory work, projects, field trips and self-directed studies. Fee for enrichment materials – $90.
Earth Science 11 is a course designed to give students a greater understanding of the Earth and the forces that affect it, as well as its place in the Universe. Topics include: Earth materials as resources, consequences of plate tectonics, energy transfer creating weather, hydrological impacts on weather and climate, and explaining the Earth and solar system through astronomy.
(MPH–11 ~ 4 CREDITS)
Physics 11 is an introductory course designed for students who are interested in any field, but especially for anyone intending to go on to careers in the science or applied sciences. The following concepts are covered using problem-based learning: dynamics, kinematics, momentum and impulse, work and energy, and waves. This course features a blend of conceptual and hands-on learning. While much of the course requires the use of math, grade 10 algebra and trigonometry skills are sufficient to successfully complete Physics 11.
(MPH–12 ~ 4 CREDITS)
Physics 12 is designed for students who are intending to go on to careers in science or applied science. Physics 12 provides preparation for university level physics and as a result, requires a strong background in mathematics. Topics include vectors, mechanics, equilibrium, momentum, gravitation, electrostatics and electromagnetism.
AP Physics 1 covers material completed in Physics 11 & 12 as well as some concepts from first year university physics curriculum. This course is taught concurrently with Physics 11 during a separate tutorial block. AP Physics students must also register for Physics 11. This course is designed to extend ideas typically covered in Physics 11 and 12 and introduce new and more challenging topics. Students must be self-starters who are highly motivated and prepared to complete assignments/projects during the extended breaks throughout the school year. In May, students will have the opportunity to write the AP Physics 1 exam. AP Physics program is ideal for students interested in pursuing a post-secondary career in Science or Engineering; it is a challenging but rewarding course for students who are interested in an enrichment opportunity. Students who are successful in AP Physics 1 are encouraged to take AP Physics 2 in their grade 12 year.
AP Physics 2 covers material completed in Physics 12 as well as most of first year university physics curriculum. The course is taught at an accelerated pace and enriched with inquiry based activities. While building on concepts covered in Physics 11, the course moves away from Newtonian Mechanics and instead focuses on new concepts such as Fluids, Thermodynamics and Electromagnetism. Students must be self-starters who are highly motivated and prepared to complete assignments/projects during the extended breaks throughout the school year. In May students will have the opportunity to write the AP Physics 2 exam. The AP Physics program is ideal for students interested in pursuing a post-secondary career in the Physical Sciences or Engineering. This is a challenging but rewarding course for students who are interested in an enrichment opportunity. It is not mandatory for students taking AP Physics 2 to have taken AP Physics 1, though it is highly recommended. Students who complete AP Physics 2 will receive credit for both AP Physics 2 and Physics 12.
This cohort will explore Math and Science courses from an engineering perspective. This is a collection of courses that includes credit in:
- Pre-calculus Math 11
- Physics 11
- Chemistry 11
- Engineering 11
- Design 11
All five courses will be packaged and delivered on the same day by the same team of teachers. This cohort will explore the theoretical concepts embedded in the traditional math and science curricula and blend them with the applied skills of engineering and design. This course will include in-class coursework, online coursework as well as time in the design shop working on build projects that support theory learned in the classroom. Students who enroll in STEM cohort must be enrolled in and will receive credits for all 5 courses. As this program occupies a full day, enrollment in this cohort may cause some scheduling conflicts when applying for other elective courses.