Welcome to the 2017-2018 School Year!
August 28, 2017 - 2 minutes readWelcome back to students, parents, and staff, and especially to our students and families who are new to Rockridge Secondary. I am looking forward to the arrival of students on the first day of school, Tuesday, September 5th. There is an orientation for new students on Friday, September 1st from 10am—12pm. Grade 8’s who have already attended an orientation last year do not need to attend, but are welcome to do so, if they wish.
It is my pleasure to welcome a few staff members new to Rockridge this year. Ms. Joan Clarke will be teaching Spanish, Ms. Rebecca Britten will be teaching French, and both Ms. Sarah Conbere and Mr. Craig Elliot will be teaching English. Ms. Liwen Chen and Mr. Derek Cheung will be joining Rockridge teaching Science and Math. Ms. Marla McLellan and Mr. Rob Broughton will be joining the counselling department. It is also my pleasure to welcome Youth Worker Ms. Sera Craigen-Ecsy.
Rockridge’s Back to School Newsletter has a great deal of information regarding school start-up and procedures. Throughout the school year, the Rockridge website will have information regarding upcoming school events and news. There will also be information regarding Rockridge’s programs, athletics, and the RSPAC. I will be writing a school blog on a regular basis to share information as to what is happening in our school. Additionally, the school will continue to email a weekly electronic bulletin, which will focus on what is happening over the following week. Please ensure that the school has your correct email address.
I am looking forward to meeting parents and guardians at the first PAC meeting of 2017-2018 coming up in September. It will be a pleasure to work, again, with Ms. Krista Cooper, PAC Chair, throughout this school year.
Mr. Crowley, Mr. Sandor, the Rockridge staff and I look forward to working with you and your son or daughter to have a successful and rewarding school year.
Jeannette Laursoo, Principal
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