
Student Information

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To apply to attend one of West Vancouver Schools elementary or secondary schools, please click on the button.

School websites

Please click the link below to find your school’s website:
Primary and Elementary Schools
Secondary Schools


You can find the annual calendar on our main website here:

You can find important school year dates for International Students here:


Counsellors are there to assist you. Know your counsellor and advise them of any concerns.
They can help with academics, timetable, social and emotional issues.

For more counselling related resources, please visit this website.

West Vancouver Secondary | 1750 Mathers Avenue | 604-981-1100

Name Students Email Address
Amy Rice Grade 8 & 9
Catherine Walton Grade 10–12 (A–L)
Stewart McAllen Grade 10–12 (M–Z)

Sentinel Secondary School | 1250 Chartwell Drive | 604-981-1130

Name Students Email Address
Lisa Ulinder Last names  AF
Jennifer Murray Last names  GLIT
Stefan Huskilson Last names  LIUSAM
Alex Thureau Last names  SANZ

Rockridge Secondary School | 5350 Headland Drive | 604-981-1300

Name Students Email Address
Jennifer Radcliffe Grades 8–11  (A – L), Grade 12 (A – G)
Jamal Ahmelich Grades 8–11 (M – Z), Grade 12 (H – Z)

Multicultural Worker School Hours | 604-981-1157 | 778-271-2198 | 

School Name Time
West Vancouver Secondary Wednesday mornings Open area between IB program office and VP office
Rockridge Thursday mornings Small room next to the counselling department
Sentinel Friday mornings C305 Medical room

Child, youth, and family resources

Academic Expectations

International Students are expected to:

– attend all classes.

– be on time for class.

– maintain passing grades.

– have satisfactory or better work habits.

– participate in class.

– ask for assistance when needed.

– complete all work as assigned.

– be enrolled in a full course load.


Progressive Discipline for students not meeting expectations:

1. Warning (written or verbal)

2. Contract Meeting

3. Program Removal


Online courses
International students are required to have permission from International Programs if they are considering an online course. Online Course Form.  Please read the application form carefully to determine if you are eligible before you apply.

English Language Learning (ELL) Support

The purpose of ELL services is to support student success and inclusion in the school and society.  English Language Specialist teachers will assess you to determine your proficiency levels and the support that will best suit you.  If you have concerns, please see your ELL Specialist teacher or counsellor at the school.


For more information regarding West Vancouver Schools ELL supports, please read our brochure.


Students can attend any of our secondary schools and be a part of any of the academy programs. The academies have training at different facilities and locations outside of the schools. Bus transportation is provided from all of the schools to the facilities for training. However, students are responsible for getting home when the sessions end.

If you have an interest in joining one of our academies, all information can be found here.

IB and AP Programs

If you have interest in taking courses in these programs, please consult with your counsellor at the school.

For further information on IB.

For further information on AP.


Students who come to us from outside of BC wishing to graduate from West Vancouver Schools are required to be in our programs for a minimum of two years.  Graduation in BC starts with grade 10 level courses and for local students is a three year process.  Many international students can use prior learning from their home countries and use these credits towards graduation. It is not a simple process and there are rules and regulations around what courses need to be taken here and what credits can be counted from abroad.

Graduation concerns and prior learning in the form of school report cards and transcripts should be sent to our office as well as your school counsellor. 


Official Graduation Diploma

Your Official Diploma will not be ready until August of your graduating year.  The provincial government makes the official statement concerning graduation.  Transcripts and Diploma’s for overseas are ordered by the student through the ministry.

Tips for Success

– Attend all of your classes. All classes and courses are considered equally important.  Missing any class means missing instruction and opportunities. Be on time, ask questions and participate in group discussions.

– Stay Organized. Make good use of a planner.  Paper or electronic. Set time limits for your activities and schedule your breaks.

– Have good study habits.  Focus on one thing at a time.  Study for your tests and quizzes. Complete all assignments and turn them in on time.

– Get Involved. Stay Healthy.  Say hi to others and talk to new classmates.  Join a club or a sport.  Get enough sleep and stay active.

School Field Trip Forms

These must be signed by your custodian or parent. If you do not live with your parent or custodian, experience has shown that the quickest way to get your form signed is to scan it and send it to your parents electronically.  Please do not ask your homestay parents to sign any forms.

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