- $500.00 per month (July and August)
- To leave your belongings in your room
- The fee is a private arrangement with your homestay and must be paid directly (the International Program will not assist in payment of this fee)
- Fee must be paid in full prior to your departure

Arrival and Departure
Wrapping up your time in West Vancouver
We hope you have had a fabulous time in West Vancouver and have made memories and friendships that will last a lifetime! The International Programs team has a few important reminders for you.
Departing and flight details
Students who are departing West Vancouver usually fall into one of three categories. Please follow the instructions that apply to you.
1.Leaving Canada permanently. Please email your flight details to homestay@wvschools.ca to confirm your departure plans and so that we can ensure that you have addressed all necessary arrangements.
2. Going home for the summer and returning in September to a district homestay. Please email homestay@wvschools.ca both your departure flight details in June and your arrival flight details for September.
3. Going home for the summer and returning in September to live with a parent or relative or private homestay. We trust you to take care of all your travel requirements. You do not need to notify us of your flights as long as you will not miss any school. If you will depart before school ends in June or arrive after school begins in September, please email homestay@wvschools.ca with your departure flight details.
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure they can exit Canada successfully. Please be aware that you:
– Must make transportation arrangements to YVR for your departure ahead of time and communicate these plans with your Homestay Coordinator (homestay@wvschools.ca)
– Must make arrangements for all personal belongings to be taken home with your (or shipped at your own cost)
– Travel with all necessary documents including:
- Passport
- Study permit
- Letter of acceptance
– Double check all airport and flight requirements and prepare in advance
Returning students summer homestay fees
All returning students who will be travelling or returning home during the months of July and August are required to have a conversation with their homestay about the fees involved. If you are planning to remain in your homestay during the summer, you will also need to have a conversation with your homestay about the summer homestay fees.
The summer fee options to discuss are as follows:
- $250.00 per month (July and August)
- To pack up all the belongings and neatly store them in a separate area of the home other than your room
- The fee is a private arrangement with your homestay and must be paid directly (the International Program will not assist in payment of this fee)
- Fee must be paid in full prior to your departure
- To avoid any additional fees during the summer months, you have the option to bring all of your personal items home with you
- All items must be removed and the room left as it was when you first arrived
- $1400.00 per month (July and August)
- Your homestay must confirm that they are available to continue hosting you during the summer
- The fee is a private arrangement with your homestay and must be paid directly (the International Program will not assist in payment of this fee)
- Must be paid in full before the first of the month
Arrival in August or September for returning students
As you start making your plans to return to West Vancouver, please:
– Fill out the Arrival Details Form to notify us of your return details.
– Be prepared to pay your homestay for the additional fees per night at $60 per night if you arrive in August. To avoid the $60 fee, please book your return for September 1 at the earliest.
– Check for any updates or changes to Canadian Government required regulations regarding international arrivals to Canada.
Report card and enrollment letter
Our office will upload a copy of your report card to your True North student record. We do this for all secondary international students.
Apostille for Report Cards: In addition to uploading your report card to True North, students from Mexico, Brazil, Spain, and Italy will have their report cards sent for an Apostille. Once complete, the report card will be sent to their agent by priority mail. For more information, please email Ms. Jenny Chung at jchung@wvschools.ca.
Enrollment Letter: If you require a letter stating that you attended school in West Vancouver, please email this request to Ms. Jenny Chung at jchung@wvschools.ca.
Curfew and rules are still in place until you leave.
If you are leaving Canada permanently, remember to return any keys, take all your belongings with you, and make sure your living spaces are left clean and tidy. Your homestay families will be sad to see you leave! Leaving a thank you card for your homestay is always a nice gesture.
Communicate and participate in your learning until your departure. Don’t forget to say goodbye to your counsellor and teachers. Please follow your school’s instructions regarding the return of school materials and textbooks.
Graphing Calculators
Any students who borrowed a graphing calculator or computer from our International Programs Office will need to return them to our office to obtain their refund before they permanently leave Canada. Please call or email the office to book an appointment to meet with us (604.981.1158 or international.reception@wvschools.ca).
Medical Insurance
Please click here to learn about what happens to your MSP coverage at the end of school year.
We hope you have enjoyed your experience in Canada and in particular at West Vancouver Schools!
To apply to attend one of West Vancouver Schools elementary or secondary schools, please click on the button.