PAC Forms & Resources
IMPORTANT: Required Parental Consent
Every year, parents are required to complete a new online Policies and Procedures Form for each of their children attending West Vancouver Schools.
Failure to complete this form may result in your child being unable to participate fully in classroom and school activities.
♦ If you have changed your address, please submit a proof of address to the Office, as soon as possible (such as a recent utility bill). ♦
Click here to access the 2024-2025 Policies and Procedures Form.
Student Long Term Absence Form 2024-2025
Student Withdrawal Form 2024-2025
School Appointments Online Instructions 2024
Sentinel PAC Constitution and Bylaws
Sentinel PAC Constitution and By-Laws
In the Community
Substance Use Prevention Presentation
Notice of Collection:
The information on these forms is collected under the authority of the School Act and the BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) and pursuant to West Vancouver Schools (School District No. 45 West Vancouver) Administrative Procedures (AP) 180, 185, and 320. The information and consent collected will be used by the School District for the purposes of delivering and administering educational programs and activities for students, accommodating student needs, communicating with parents and students, ensuring compliance with school rules and regulations, ensuring order and safety at school, evaluating student performance, and complying with the School District’s legal, regulatory, and administrative requirements. If you have any questions or concerns about the collection, use or disclosure of the personal information collected, please contact the school principal.
We do understand that sometimes parents have issues with the school or they wish to raise some educational concerns at the school level. Please kindly refer to the guidelines posted below.
Guidelines for raising educational concerns at the school level
PAC Archive
Agendas & Minutes Archive
General Meetings - Minutes
Other Resources
PAC Finances are reported by the Treasurer at PAC meetings. Please contact the Treasurer if you wish to review current or previous reports.
Response to Threat Making Behaviour [PDF]