West Vancouver Schools Counselling

At West Vancouver Schools, we acknowledge the importance of high school course selection, post-secondary guidance and the role of schools in supporting improved student mental health outcomes. We have created this website with the collaboration of district I.T staff and our counselling teams from Rockridge, Sentinel and West Vancouver Secondary. In this website there are an abundance of resources for students that will help guide them to whatever level of education they desire: from grade school to graduate school.

Additionally, this website has various resources pertaining to community counselling and mental health information. At West Vancouver Schools our goal is to provide the best educational experience in Canada and we believe that providing resources in our counselling departments that are exceptional both in breadth and depth is a key component of this goal.

As this website is now a one stop shop for all counselling related web resources, we are delighted to say that since this website is now integrated with district web systems we will be able to provide additional functionality such as an interactive calendar for counselling related events.

It is our hope that this website serves much akin to our district lighthouse vision: a beacon that guides the way forward, in this sense from the beginnings of grade school to the shore of post-secondary and beyond.

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