Work Experience
Work Experience (WEX) combines professional and volunteer experience in the community and workplace with classroom support. Students gain practical skills and explore possible career options. WEX placements have included hotels, ski hills, auto repair shops, dentistry offices, veterinary clinics, law firms, retail establishments, restaurants and more.
WORK EXPERIENCE 12A & 12B for Grade 11 and 12 students
Work Experience (WEX) combines professional and volunteer experience in the community and workplace with classroom support. Students gain practical skills and explore possible career options. WEX placements have included hotels, ski hills, auto repair shops, dentistry offices, veterinary clinics, law firms, retail establishments, restaurants and more.
Work Experience provides students with the opportunity to:
- Explore personal interests and abilities in the workplace and community.
- Apply knowledge and skills in a work environment.
- Develop connections between goals, school studies, and possible career fields.
- Observe and participate with adults in the workplace.
WEX 12A & 12B are 4-credit courses that include:
- Out-of-school work experience: 90 – 100 hours of job shadowing, volunteer or paid work .
- An out of timetable block: Students must meet with the teacher on a regular, flexible basis and complete classroom assignments on topics such as workplace safety, employability skills, résumé writing, and interview skills. If needed, students will work with the teacher to find a placement.
Work Experience encourages students to:
- Explore career questions.
- Experience career options through work experience placements.
- Make connections between school and work.
- Reflect on experiences and set new goals.
WORK EXPERIENCE 12A and 12B…………………..……..(WEX 12A, WEX 12B) (4 credits each)
These courses are 4 credit electives in which the student completes 90-100 hours of work experience. The timing of these hours is flexible: during school, after school, weekends, holidays, Professional Days, Spring Break, etc. Initiative is a key ingredient for success in this course. Students are evaluated on employer feedback, communication with the teacher, summary of hours, and assignments done during the year. With prior arrangement, some of our students complete their hours in the summer. Prior to any placements, the student must see the career resource teacher and have a contract in place between the employer and the West Vancouver School District.