Parents Make a Difference

November 6, 2016 - 3 minutes read

There are many ways parents make a difference in their children’s success at school.  Parents who talk with their children about their day at school or who make sure there is a quiet place to do homework or who serve on school councils or who volunteer on school trips and in class activities are all examples of engaged parents.

At Ridgeview Elementary there are many opportunities for parents to engage and connect with the school. Parent involvement builds positive relationships and helps to build a welcoming school climate. Involvement in school also helps to build a strong educational culture in the home.

An important task of schools is to assist parents in learning the language of school so that parents can provide assistance to their children in terms of developing their child’s learning and love of learning. By working together, school and home, to create the highest possible shared expectations for learning, we set children up for success.

Through conversation and feedback from parents and staff, the following parent information series have been organized to assist parents in understanding the language of school.

Experience and research tell us that parents who become involved in and engage in the life of school make a difference in their child’s learning and achievement.  When parents are engaged and involved, everyone benefits, and our school becomes an increasingly rich and positive place to teach, learn and grow.

PARENT INFORMATION Series 2016 – 2017


  • Meet MY Teacher Event,  September 14th  2 – 4 p.m.
  • Parent Welcome Orientation/Technology Introduction,  September 21st  7 p.m.


  • ELL Parent Orientation, October 27th  1 – 2 p.m.


  • New Curriculum/New Reporting,November 17th  6:30 p.m.
  • ELL Parent Café, November 18th  9:00 a.m.


  • Technology BOOT Camp, January 24th  time tbc

(Coding, Freshgrade, iXL, Google Classroom, Discovery…)


  • Body Science/Sexual Health Education with Saleema Noon, February 15th  6:30 p.m.


  • Tools for Success, Date and Time to be confirmed

(Self Regulation and Learning, Tierred Interventions and Support Services at Ridgeview and in WV, Who’s Who in WV: Counselor, Gifted Support, Learning Support, Speech/Language Supports…)


  • Outdoor School Parent Orientation (for parents of Grade 5 students), April 6th  3:00 p.m.


  • Welcome to Kindergarten, May 18th  time tbc

Mark your calendars. We look forward to working with you.