Awards and Scholarships
Awards & Award Procedures
Honour Roll is based on Sentinel Secondary School or West Vancouver School District performance. External courses (courses outside of Sentinel Secondary School or West Vancouver School District) will not be included in the Honour Roll calculation. Students on the Dogwood program have their Honour Roll status calculated using their top six or seven courses depending on their grade from the current school year. Students enrolled in the Pursuit program may have their Honour Roll status calculated on all enrolling courses if they do not meet the minimum enrollment requirements for their grade as described below.
Spartan Distinguished Learner Award – Grades 8 and 9
The Spartan Distinguished Learner Award is given to Grade 8 and 9 students who demonstrate proficiency in 7 of the 8 courses at the end of the year. These awards celebrate students who demonstrate complete understanding of the concepts and skills in all areas of learning.
Students must successfully complete Career Education 8 and 9. In addition, reflection on the core competencies is an important component of the students’ learning. Students must complete and submit their goal setting and self assessment of the core competencies.
Academic Honour Roll Criteria – Grade 10
Honour Roll status will be calculated based on a student’s 7 best courses using final percentage marks.
- A calculated average of 79.5% – 85.4% will be recognized as Honours.
- A calculated average of 85.5% – 100% will be recognized as Honours with Distinction.
Students must
- be enrolled in a minimum of 8 courses at Sentinel Secondary or in the West Vancouver School District.
- not have a failing grade in any of their enrolling courses.
- complete and submit their goal setting and self assessment of the core competencies.
Courses can include:
- District Courses
- LSP/Connect
Academic Honour Roll Criteria – Grades 11 and 12
Honour Roll status will be calculated based on a student’s 6 best courses using final percentage marks.
- A calculated average of 79.5% – 85.4% will be recognized as Honours.
- A calculated average of 85.5% – 100% will be recognized as Honours with Distinction.
Students must:
- be enrolled in a minimum of 7 courses at Sentinel Secondary or in the West Vancouver School District.
- not have a failing grade in any of their enrolling courses.
- complete and submit their goal setting and self assessment of the core competencies.
Courses can include
- District Courses
- LSP/Connect
(CLC % will not be included in calculation of the student’s average)
For the graduating class, students who have received Honours with Distinction for their Grade 11 and 12 years will receive a gold cord. In addition, the top student in each subject area is awarded a book prize. Academic excellence is also recognized by numerous scholarships awarded at Commencement.
This private foundation maintains a fund, which provides for academic scholarships and awards. These scholarships and awards are funded by the annual interest accrued. All donations in any amount are gratefully received and are tax deductible.
Summer enrichment study awards are available for students registered in Grades 8 – 11. Study can be in the form of camps, clinics, or workshops and can be related to: enrichment experiences related to a Sentinel subjects such as science, drama, art, music, writing, languages, math and computers; leadership and social responsibility; athletic skills. Applications will be made available in May.
At Sentinel we take great pride in all our athletic programs. The positive connections that student-athletes, teachers, and coaches make at school and the contributions of sports to our school culture cannot be overstated.
Sentinel offers two types of athletic awards:
- Participation Awards. There are four levels of these awards for playing on multiple athletic teams.
- The Spartan Athlete Award. This award is based on four criteria achieved over a high school career.
Participation Awards
These awards are based on a cumulative point system. Student-athletes receive one point per sport played each season. The criteria for a point include acceptable attendance, effort, attitude, and sportsmanship. Sentinel coaches and Athletic Directors collaborate to determine if an athlete will receive a point.
Student-athletes will be eligible for the following awards:
3 Medallion
5 Small Block
9 Medium Block
12 Large Block
15 Special Award
These points are cumulative from the beginning of Grade 8 and apply to all eligible sports offered at Sentinel. (Athletes who transfer from another school may bring their points with them once they are verified.) Students will receive the award at the end of the school year in which they reach the next participation level. (Points are not awarded for participation in school clubs.)
The Spartan Athlete Award
The Spartan Athlete Award is based on criteria accumulated over a high school career. They include:
- Participation in multiple sports and seasons;
- Leadership and sportsmanship in athletics;
- A high level of athletic achievement;
- Social responsibility and citizenship at school and in the community.
This special award is given to a student or students at the completion of their Grade 12 year if they have proven themselves outstanding in all of the above categories as determined by the Athletic Awards Committee.
Awards for service to the school are based on a cumulative hours system.
25 – 149 hours certificate
150 – 224 hours Bronze certificate
225 – 299 hours Silver certificate
300 – 449 hours Gold certificate
450+ hours Exemplary Award
Students have received service hours for scoring and timing school games, refereeing, and many other service functions in the school, such as clubs, library support and classroom/school service. It is the student’s responsibility to keep track of and submit service hours to the library.