French Immersion
French Immersion
L’École Secondaire Sentinel offers bilingual instruction to students enrolled in the French Immersion program.
Early French Immersion is for students who have received their primary and intermediate level of instruction in French. The amount of French instruction at the secondary level varies according to the grade. As students progress through the program, the amount of prescribed instructional time in French is reduced: Grades 8 and 9 = 50%, Grade 10 = 38%, Grades 11 and 12 = 25%.
French Immersion students will have the opportunity to participate in many excursions and cultural experiences in French throughout their courses.
Please Note: The curriculum for Français langue is outlined on pages 75 and 76, whereas the curricula for Social Studies, Science and Mathematics can be found with the English equivalents. They are the same as the English stream, except that the language of instruction is French.
Successful completion of a minimum of 13 immersion courses will give the student a bilingual certificate by the end of Grade 12. Students earning credit for 15 courses will receive a bilingual certificate with recognition.
Grade 8
- Français langue 8
- Sciences humaines 8
- Sciences 8
- Mathématiques 8
Grade 9
- Français langue 9
- Sciences humaines 9
- Sciences 9
- Mathématiques 9
Grade 10
- Français langue 10
- Sciences humaines 10
- Sciences 10
Grade 11
- Langue et culture de la francophonie 11
- Explorations en sciences humaines et sociales 11
Grade 12
- Français langue seconde-immersion 12
- AP French Language 12
In addition to Langue et culture de la francophonie 11 and Français langue seconde immersion 12 students must complete one more course at the Grade 11 or 12 level: Explorations en sciences humaines et sociales 11 or AP French Langue 12.
Students are encouraged to take the full complement of courses in order to achieve fluency.
Students must write the Provincial Examination in Francais Langue Seconde Immersion 12 to qualify for their bilingual diploma