Indigo sales support the Grade 7 Farewell Committee

November 8, 2021 - Less than a minute read

Support our Grade 7 Farewell Committee while shopping with Indigo! 
For every gift card purchased through this link, 15% goes back to our committee organizing the Grade 7 Farewell.
Are you shopping online for other items with Indigo? You can give back even more by purchasing an electronic gift card first and then using it to pay for merchandise purchase.

The Grade 7 Farewell Committee is is Co-Chaired by Abir Saadi Cosyn and Nessa van Bergen, and is comprised of all the parents of the current Grade 7 student body. The Farwell Ceremony is on Monday, June 27th and is followed by a family orientated celebration. Updates on fundraising activities and  celebration planning are given at every PAC meeting.

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