Programs and Services
Indigenous Education School Plan
After School Programs & Before and After School Care & District Programs
Before & After School Care for Chartwell Students. Limited Spaces!
The daycare will be located in the Hub Portable Room and Music Room at Chartwell Elementary School.
Hours of Operation
● Before School: 7:00am to 8:45am
● After School: 2:45pm to 6:00pm on weekdays
● Full-Day Care: Available during school professional days at no extra cos
Contact Information
For any inquiries, please feel free to contact us:
● Marjan: 604-218-7055
● Maryam: 604-440-5859
● Email: info@topdrawerdaycare.ca
● Website: topdrawerdaycare.com (currently under maintenance)
- Family Badminton has started! 3:00-5:00 pm in the gym.
- The cost is $50 per term
- email Mrs. Serena Lin for registration details: 695323452@qq.com
Gr 6/7 Leadership Club
Chartwell has a very strong student leadership tradition that has largely been driven by the work of the Grade 6/7 teachers. They will work with our new leadership students, an eager group of tomorrow’s next leaders, to take on various charitable causes and fundraisers to build awareness and empathy amongst our school community. Whether it is attending the Me To We conference to kick the year off, to stuffing stockings for the homeless during the CIAO Vancouver project or hosting our Annual Fun Fair to raise money to build wells in impoverished parts of Africa…this group does it all. Join us!
Lunch Monitors
Lunch Monitor positions can be applied for in early September and involve mature, capable and poised Grade 6 & 7 students monitoring the lunch time environment in each class from K-5. We are sure that our lunch leaders will set a fantastic example.
Announcer positions are auditioned in early September. These individuals will develop their reading fluency, poise and confidence while on air and support the office staff in our Morning Announcements each day. This position requires punctuality, responsibility and confidence. Please join us.
Chartwell Cougars live by the moto “Play with Passion, Win with Class and Lose with Dignity” a moniker that leads many of our teams to success both on and off the court/field.
Physical activity and teamwork are crucial components to any healthy lifestyle and Chartwell provides a number of opportunities for students from Grades 3-7.
You will find updates in CTW
Properties Family Hub Programs (next to Chartwell School)
The Hub offers many programs for children and adults.
Please click here for the current schedule
Community Centre Programs
Apart from our Neighbourhood Hub, there are many programs offered at our West Vancouver Community Centre.