Family Badminton Club is back!

October 22, 2021 - 3 minutes read

Chartwell PAC is very pleased to announce that the Family Badminton Club is back!

The Badminton Club is open to all interested Chartwell families (parents/guardians/caregivers and students) of all skill and ability levels. The Badminton Club aims to provide families an opportunity to participate in a fun sport together with other families, building their playing skills, and meeting new friends.

The Badminton Club is scheduled to run on Fridays from 3:15-6:00PM. There are 2 terms.

There will be 3 badminton courts set up for club members to play on. Birdies will also be available. Club members are encouraged to bring along their own racquets.

The membership fee is $50 per family per school term ($100 for the full year). This covers the use of the club facilities for the whole family.  The membership fees help cover the cost of the necessary insurance coverage and the purchase of birdies.  All remaining funds will go to CPAC to support school-based programs and new equipment.  All equipment purchased for the Badminton Club will also be used by the school.

Like any event after school hours, children will need to be supervised at all times by a parent or guardian while at the Badminton Club.

To ensure families attending the club have a fair amount of playing time on the court during busier times, 20-minute rotations will apply with a minimum of 4 players on each court. It will be up to the members how they wish to form their playing teams. For example, parents can play with their children, adults can play against other adults, and/or children can play against other children.

CPAC is fortunate to be able to set up a rental agreement with the West Vancouver School District in order to hold the Badminton Club.  Club members will need to ensure that the school gym is packed up and left the same way it was found.  A roster will be made up for families to nominate when they will be responsible for the set-up of badminton nets by 3:15pm on the Friday that the club will be meeting and packing away equipment at 6:00pm at the end of playing time.

If you wish to become a member of the Chartwell Badminton Club, sign up via the membership page on the CPAC website here.

COVID protocols

  1. The Badminton coordinator is required to keep an accurate list of all attendees (full name and cell phone / e-mail address by date) for PHO contact tracing purposes.
  2. Masks are required indoors for all students and participants when travelling through the school.
  3. Masks are required when participating in low-intensity physical activity. If badminton becomes high intensity for participants, masks do not have to be worn but physical distancing should be in place.
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