Performing Arts
Performing Arts
Music 8: Concert Choir
Music 9: Concert Choir
Choral Music 10: Concert Choir or Chamber Choir (Treble or Mixed)
Choral Music 11: Concert Choir or Chamber Choir (Treble or Mixed)
Choral Music 12: Concert Choir or Chamber Choir (Treble or Mixed)
District Honour Choir (open to student in Grades 8 – 12)
Concert Choir is offered outside the timetable on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 7:30-8:20. It is designed for students who are looking to develop their vocal technique through a variety of genres of choral music. Previous choral experience is an asset, but is not required. Concert choir emphasizes singing in harmony with accurate tuning, diction, and expression. Students will also develop their skills in sight-singing and basic music theory. The choir will have multiple opportunities to perform throughout the school year, both at the school and in the community.
Chamber Choir is an auditioned class that is offered outside the timetable. The Treble Chamber Choir meets on Fridays after school from 3:00-4:30 pm and the Mixed Chamber Choir meets on Monday and Wednesday mornings from 7:30-8:20 am. This course is designed for more advanced singers who have a minimum of two years singing in Concert Choir. All repertoire sung is a cappella (without accompaniment) so singers must be able to sing well in tune. Auditions for Chamber Choir happen in the spring.
District Honour Choir (District Program) is offered to students in Grades 8-12 across the West Vancouver School District who show a talent for and interest in choral singing. The course will be held weekly on Tuesday nights at West Vancouver Secondary School. The Intermediate (Gr. 8/9) Treble Honour Choir meets from 3:45 – 5:15 pm, The Senior Treble Honour Choir meets from 5:30 – 7:00 pm and the Mixed Honour Choir meets from 7:10 – 8:40 pm. Designed as a course to challenge and extend the learning of the district’s finest choral singers, students must meet the pre-requisites for the course before applying. Pre-requisites are as follows:
- Experience singing in a choir (either school or community)
- Knowledge of basic music theory (e.g. note names and basic note values)
- Must be enrolled in their school choir for the year in which they are registered for the District Honour Choir (NO EXCEPTIONS)
- An understanding that there will be times throughout the year that students will be required to attend mandatory concerts and extra rehearsals outside of regular class time
In addition to meeting the pre-requisites for the course, all students will be required to audition in mid-April. Interested students should apply online through the West Vancouver School District website to sign up for an audition. Students will be notified of acceptance by the beginning of May.
*Course Fee: There is a $200 fee for the Honour Choir course to cover the following items:
- Bussing to concerts and workshops in the community
- Music festival entry fees (e.g. Kiwanis Festival)
- Guest clinicians invited to workshop the choir
In addition to the course fee, there is a trip planned each year for the Honour Choir Program. Sometimes the trip is an overnight retreat close to home and sometimes it is a large tour (ex. Europe). The cost of these trips is in addition to the course fees and can range from $300-$5000, depending on trip length and distance traveled.
For more information visit District Honour Choir
DANCE 9/10/11/12
DANCE TECHNIQUE & PERFORMANCE: Street and Hip Hop – Level 1
Students will be given the opportunity to learn the many different styles and sub-genres of Urban and Street Dances – those including: Hip Hop, R&B, Reggaeton, Dancehall, House, Old School, Whacking, Krump, and Groove. This class is geared toward students with 0-2 years of Dance, and is more of an introductory/beginner level course. Students will have the opportunity to perform in many different performances throughout the year in the Kay Meek Theatre. Performance is mandatory for this course.
DANCE TECHNIQUE & PERFORMANCE: Street and Hip Hop – Level 2
Students will be given the opportunity to learn the many different styles and sub-genres of Urban and Street Dances – those including: Hip Hop, R&B, Reggaeton, Dancehall, House, Old School, Whacking, Krump, and Groove. This class is geared toward students with 3 or more years of Dance, and is more of an intermediate-experienced level course. Students will have the opportunity to perform in many different performances throughout the year in the Kay Meek Theatre. Street and Hip Hop Level 2 requires students to be self-starters and be motivated to push themselves in terms of choreography and performance. Students should be able to physically retain an intermediate level of choreography and pick up new movement at a moderate level. Performance is mandatory for this course.
This is a program that offers students an intense study of Hip-Hop movement (Commercial hip hop, R&B, PCD Femme Styling, Voguing, K POP, and Dancehall) that showcases challenging choreography, and operates within a team-based learning atmosphere, and an overall competitive experience in Dance. Street Dance Company takes in students by an audition-only process. Auditions are held before Course Selection at the end of January/Early February. Students will have the opportunity to perform in many of the WVSS school showcases and will also be competing in Hip Hop Dance Competitions during the spring that are located all over the Lower Mainland. Students need to have at least 3 years of prior dance experience at a moderate level as choreography is at a higher level and the rate at which dances are learned is quick and in little time. This course is one of professional caliber and students are required to be self-starters and conduct themselves in a mature manner. This course is offered outside the timetable after school, alternating lunch hours and selected FIT sessions.
- Performance is required in this course, as is attendance at dance competitions.
This is a full year course for grade 8 students who have one- or two-years experience playing a band instrument at elementary school, a community band program or have learned privately. Students continue to develop their musical skills and knowledge learning a wide variety of music. The ensemble will have several opportunities to perform at concerts throughout the year. Marks are based on attendance, effort and music playing progress on their instrument. This course is offered before school, outside of the regular block rotation.
This is a full year course for grade 9 students who are continuing in the WVSS Concert Band program or already play a band instrument at a good level. Students continue to develop their musical skills and knowledge learning a wide variety of music at increasing levels of difficulty and complexity. The ensemble will have several opportunities to perform at concerts throughout the year. Marks are based on attendance, effort and music playing progress on their instrument. This course is offered before school, outside of the regular block rotation.
This is a full year course for grade 10, 11 and 12 students who are continuing in the WVSS Concert Band program or already play a band instrument at a higher level. Students continue to develop their musical skills and knowledge learning a wide variety of music at increasing levels of difficulty and complexity. The ensemble will have several opportunities to perform at concerts throughout the year. Marks are based on attendance, effort and music playing progress on their instrument. Students earn course credits towards graduation. This course is offered before school, outside of the regular block rotation.
Orchestra classes occur Tuesday and Friday mornings at 7:30 – 8:20am. Once every 5 weeks there will be one extra morning for small group sectionals. These occur on Thursday mornings 7:30am or at lunch.
Orchestra is open to ALL string players (violin, viola, cello, bass) regardless of grade.
Brass and Woodwinds: This is a senior level ensemble consisting mostly of students grades 10 – 12. If a student takes private lessons, or participates a community band they would likely be suitable for this class.
Piano: Orchestras typically do not have pianists except for special selections. If you play piano and wish to join be prepared to play instrumental parts on the piano (example ~ French horn, bassoon etc) to fill in for missing instruments. The limit for piano players is 4 people.
Orchestra 10-12 will focus on music composed between the seventeenth and twentieth centuries. Students will have opportunities to perform concerts in a variety of settings.
Expectations and Evaluation: Involvement in concerts occasionally requires attendance at extra-curricular rehearsals. Marks are based on effort, attendance and playing ability.
Jazz Band 9-12 is is a senior level ensemble at this time. Experienced musicians (minimum 2 years on your instrument, no jazz experience is necessary) can sign up regardless of school grade. In jazz band you will learn swing, Latin, blues and pop genres.
Instruments: Saxes, Trumpets, Trombones
Limited instruments: piano, bass, guitar, drums
***If enough students sign up, a second jazz band is possible (and can be split into junior and senior grades).
Expectations and Evaluation: Involvement in concerts occasionally requires attendance at extra-curricular rehearsals. Marks are based on effort, attendance and playing ability.
Guitar Intro 9-12 is a guitar course for beginners or those with limited or developing experience on guitar. Students will learn to play a repertoire of songs on guitar and develop a knowledge of basic guitar chords and fret board notes and learn a variety of strumming and picking techniques. Students can return to Guitar Intro in subsequent grades if more time is desired/needed to develop and master these fundamental guitar skills and knowledge. Marks are based on attendance, effort and demonstrated progress learning to play the guitar.
Guitar Advanced 10-12 is a course for students who have mastered the guitar skills and knowledge covered in the Guitar Intro course or have previous experience and established guitar skills. Students will further develop their guitar skills to incorporate advanced chords (e.g., diminished, augmented and jazz chords) and more complex strumming and picking techniques. In addition, students will be introduced to improvisation while learning scales commonly used in Rock and Jazz music. Marks are based on attendance, effort and demonstrated progress on guitar.
Classic Rock Band 9 and Classic Rock Band 10 – 12 are courses designed to give experienced instrumentalists (electric guitar, bass guitar, piano/keyboard, drum kit) and vocalists an opportunity to learn a repertoire of classic and contemporary rock songs in a collaborative “working rock band” rehearsal setting. Students will prepare for live performances at school concerts and in the community. Marks are based on attendance, effort and demonstrated progress learning and performing the class song repertoire.
Theatre Arts courses help students develop life skills that they can take with them wherever they go, whatever career or hobby they pursue. Transferrable skills learned in Theatre Arts include:
- Creative problem-solving and being innovative
- Risk-taking and resilience
- Making meaningful connections with others
- Public speaking
- Working as a team
- Adaptability, flexibility, and open-mindedness
- Self-awareness and acceptance
- Curiosity and joy
Through play, Theatre Arts build courage, self-confidence, and self-discipline and also provide an excellent foundation for students interested in pursuing a career in theatre and film.
DRAMA (Grades 9-12)
This course is for grades 9-12 students who have a range of experience in Drama. Through performance games and exercises, students will create scenes through discussion and prepared improvisation that explore themes or particular aspects of Drama including comic and dramatic situations; improv; mime and movement; learning to speak clearly and confidently; building a community. Students will have opportunities to perform in class as well as attend public theatre performances. It is recommended that students take a DRAMA 9-12 course or have performance experience as well obtain approval from the teacher before taking the DIRECTING & SCRIPT DEVELOPMENT course.
This is a grade 9-12 course in advanced drama skills with an emphasis on leadership, teamwork, and self-direction, including outreach opportunities to perform for our school and community. Topics covered include scene and monologue projects that involve script break-down, character analysis, and directing; explorations of acting styles and crafting original scripts individually and as a team. However, students may also propose topics to explore in class. Students will have opportunities to perform, participate in workshops with guests, as well as attend public theatre performances. It is recommended that students take a DRAMA 9-12 course or have performance experience as well obtain approval from the teacher before taking this course.
Note: Grade 9 students will receive Drama 9, Grade 10 students will receive Drama 10 credit
Note: Grade 11 & 12 students will receive Directing & Script Writing 11 or 12 credit
Students register for Higher Level (HL) or Standard Level (SL) and complete 3-4 independent projects for evaluation, with supervision and some guidance from teacher:
- Solo Theatre Piece (HL only)
- Director’s Notebook (HL and SL)
- Research Presentation (HL and SL)
- Collaborative Project (HL and SL)
Students who achieve a 5 or better HL may receive advanced credit for Theatre at University.
IB courses may be taken singly or as part of the IB Diploma. See the WVSS IB website for more information.
FEE: see IB fee schedule.
This course is open to grade 8-12 students who wish to participate in West Vancouver Secondary’s plays and musicals as performers, assistant directors, stage managers, choreographers, musicians, set designers, light and sound operators, props and costume coordinators and crew members. There may also be the opportunity to help with set building depending on the production. Students are also expected to take on ticket sales and promotion duties. This course is off-timetable, after school, and students work intensely for approximately five months of the year up to and including productions and briefly afterwards. Not all students are needed for every rehearsal during the pre-production phase, but all are expected to work independently on memorizing lines, reviewing blocking and rehearsal notes, developing character, planning costumes, props, and sets, etc.
Note: Theatre Company Credit is given to grade 10-12 students only.
Note: In order to be considered for a lead role in the production, students are encouraged to enroll in a Drama course. Cast members are selected through an audition process. Cast members are expected to support crew and crew duties.
Theatre Arts require active, daily participation and work missed in these classes can rarely be made up. Regular attendance is crucial for success. Moreover, as much of the work is done in groups or pairs, other students’ work is affected when group members are absent. Students are assessed on commitment and contribution as well as for projects and performances. Marks are awarded daily with 75% of each term’s mark for offstage process work and 25% for onstage work. Students will also define and use criteria to critique their own and their peers’ work and any productions they see.