This pathway is designed to provide students with the mathematical understandings and critical thinking skills identified for entry into the majority of trades and for direct entry into the work force. Topics include algebra, geometry, measurement, number, statistics and probability .
This pathway is designed to provide students with the mathematical understandings and critical –thinking skills identified for post-secondary studies in programs that do not require the study of theoretical calculus. Topics include: financial mathematics, geometry, measurement, number, logical reasoning, relations and functions, statistics and probability.
This pathway is designed to provide students with the mathematical understandings and critical-thinking skills identified for entry into post-secondary programs that require the study of theoretical calculus. Topics include: algebra and number, measurement, relations and functions, trigonometry and permutations, combinations and binomial theorem.
The B.C. Mathematics curriculum contributes to students’ development as educated citizens through the achievement of the following goals. Students are expected to:
- develop a deep understanding of both factual and processed-based information, needed to solve complex problems
- reason mathematically, using their understanding of number, pattern, and spatial relationships and analyzing data in order to solve problems
- become financially literate, which supports and underpins sound financial decision making
- use flexible, effective, and personalized strategies to analyze and solve increasingly complex problems in situational contexts
- use flexible, effective, and personalized strategies to analyze and solve increasingly complex problems in situational contexts
- explore the connections between mathematics and other ways of knowing, such as First Peoples knowledge and other worldviews
- develop the perseverance and confidence to apply mathematical thinking in various abstract and concrete contexts
- view and navigate their world with a mathematical perspective
- develop a capacity for abstract thinking, which includes the critical thinking skills necessary for understanding global issues in society
Students that were enrolled in Apprenticeship and Workplace 10 are recommended to continue in Apprenticeship and Workplace 11. This course is designed to give students background in the mathematics needed in many trades and mathematics used in the workplace. Topics include algebra, geometry, measurement, number, statistics and probability.
This pathway is designed to provide students with the mathematical understandings and critical-thinking skills identified for post-secondary studies in programs that do not require the study of theoretical calculus. Topics include: financial literacy, geometry, measurement, number, logical reasoning, relations and functions, statistics and probability. This course leads into the Foundations of Mathematics 12 course. A number of universities and post secondary institutions will accept Foundations of Mathematics 11 course as an entrance requirement however, you will need to consult the post secondary institutions directly to determine their specific entrance requirements and the requirements for specific programs at the schools.
This pathway is designed to provide students with the mathematical understandings and critical-thinking skills identified for entry into post-secondary programs that require the study of theoretical calculus. Topics include: algebra and number, financial literacy, measurement, relations and functions, trigonometry, and sequences and series. This course leads into Pre Calculus 12 course. This course will satisfy the entrance requirements for a number of post secondary institutions, however, you will need to consult the post secondary institutions directly to determine their specific entrance requirements and the requirements for specific programs at the schools.
Students that were enrolled in Workplace 11 can continue in Apprenticeship 12. This course is designed to give students background in the mathematics needed in many trades and mathematics used in the workplace. This course will only be offered if there is sufficient enrollment..
This pathway is designed to provide students with the mathematical understandings and critical-thinking skills identified for post-secondary studies in programs that do not require the study of theoretical calculus. Topics include: financial mathematics, set theory, combinations & permutations, logical reasoning, polynomial functions, exponential & logarithmic functions, sinusoidal functions and probability & statistics. A number of universities and post-secondary institutions will accept Foundations of Math 12 course as an entrance requirement however, you will need to consult the post-secondary institutions directly to determine their specific entrance requirements. Universities will accept Foundations of Mathematics 12 as an academic.
This pathway is designed to provide students with the mathematical understandings and critical thinking skills identified for entry into post-secondary programs that require the study of theoretical calculus. Topics include: trigonometry functions & identities, function transformations, logarithms, polynomial, radical & rational functions, permutations & combinations and binomial theorem. This course is designed for students that will be taking Science, Business or Engineering programs at university.
The course is a preview of the first year university course, Calculus 100. Students will be introduced to topics encountered in University and allows students the opportunity to learn the foundations that will help in Calculus 100. Students will be registered in Mathematics 12 and Calculus 12 concurrently. It is expected that students are fully committed to this program. IB Math SL students may write the calculus exam if desired.
It is recommended that applicants have a high “B” or “A” standing in the previous year’s Mathematics course. The Enriched Mathematics 8 and 9, and Pre-Diploma Mathematics HL 10 courses are offered to selected students. The philosophy behind offering Enriched Mathematics at WVSS is to provide a challenging math environment for our best math students in preparation for future enriched and IB Math HL courses. These are courses for motivated, talented, independent, mature mathematics students who enjoy the mental discipline of mathematics.
The core content of these courses will be the same as Mathematics 8, 9 or Foundations of Mathematics and Pre-Calculus 10, but many of the topics will be extended and additional topics from Pre-Calculus 11 will be presented in the grade 10 program. Selection for the Mathematics 8 and 9 Enriched courses will be made during the Spring of the following year by way of a problem-based assessment administered at West Vancouver Secondary School – extra space will be made in the fall for those students new to the District.
Students should have taken Mathematics 10 PDP or Foundations and Pre Calculus Mathematics 10 (“B” or “A” standing is recommended). Mathematics 11 IB is the first year of a two-year program. IB Mathematics students are encouraged to develop a mature, self-directed approach to the study of mathematics. They will develop an appreciation of mathematics as a discipline. The course covers an enriched Pre Calculus Mathematics 11 core plus some elements of the Grade 12 course. Students are not required to have completed Math 10PDP in preparation for this course.
This is a course that is designed for IB students who are intending on taking IB HL 12 in their grade 12 year. Students should have taken MATH 10 PDP-HL as they will be covering material at a faster pace and looking at the IB topics at a more in depth level and include mathematical proofs. Topics of study will include Functions, Statistics, Probability, Logarithms and Trigonometry.
This is the second year of the two-year program. Students should have completed Math 11 IB or Math 12. Students who complete only the first year will receive credit for Pre-Calculus 11. The content covers the balance of the IB Math SL course and students will write the IB exam in May. Graduates of this course will receive credit for IB Math SL 12. Topics of study will include Functions, Statistics, Probability, Logarithms, Trigonometry and Calculus.
This is a course that will fulfill a Higher Level credit for the IB Diploma program. This course is a very difficult course and will be accepted at many university institutions as a first year calculus equivalent course. (You will need to check each university for the status of university equivalent credit.) The topics of study include all topics in IB SL with extensions plus series and differential equations and complex numbers.
IB courses may be taken singly or as part of the IB Diploma. See the WVSS IB website for more information.
FEE: see IB fee schedule.