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Notre mission/Our Mission Statement

À l'école Pauline Johnson, notre mission est de créer un environnement propice à l’acquisition de compétences et de connaissances des étudiants dans une démarche leur permettant de devenir des citoyens équilibrés et participatifs au sein d’une communauté bilingue et inclusive honorant la diversité. Nous avons des racines; nous avons des ailes.

At École Pauline Johnson our mission is to inspire students to expand their knowledge by becoming well-balanced and contributing citizens within a bilingual and inclusive community that honours diversity. We have roots; we have wings.

École Pauline Johnson

Our School

École Pauline Johnson provides Early and Late Immersion Programs in a unique ‘single-track’ setting. Our programs aim to develop functional bilingualism in students whose dominant language is not French.

We have a Kindergarten to Grade Seven Early French Immersion Program, and a Late French Immersion Program beginning in Grade Six. For information on entering the early French Immersion program after Grade 1, please contact the school principal for further guidance on admission.

School News and Publications

      • The staff at École Pauline Johnson look forward to a new school year!  Welcome to PJ if you are new, and welcome back to all our returning students and their families.  It is going to be an exciting 2024-2025.


Personal Digital Device Expectations – NEW!

At West Vancouver Schools, we understand that personal digital devices offer students valuable opportunities to collaborate, create, and communicate, enhancing their learning experiences. We also recognize the importance of maintaining focused and safe learning environments for all students. Recently, provincial guidelines and legislation have further highlighted the need to minimize distractions, as digital devices can interrupt class time, interfere with student concentration, and disrupt the educational setting.

To support focused and safe learning environments, West Vancouver Schools is refining our approach to digital device use and will be uniformly applying personal digital device expectations across all schools. Starting this school year, personal digital devices will only be allowed with the explicit permission of a teacher or administrator, who will provide clear guidelines to ensure their use is intentional and directly supports student learning. Additionally, considerations will be made to accommodate students’ medical and health needs, accessibility, and accommodation requirements.

Here’s what this means for different school levels:

  • Secondary Schools: Personal digital device expectations will be in place during instructional time.  Instructional time is during classes, assemblies and all school related learning activities.
  • Elementary Schools: Personal digital device expectations will apply throughout the entire school day, including before school, after school, and during break times. Cell phones will not be used at all during school hours.

How You Can Help:

To support these updated expectations, we ask parents and guardians to:

  1. Familiarize Yourself: Please take the time to read through the Parent/Guardian Guide to Personal Digital Devices (link and attach) to fully understand the new district-wide expectations. Additionally, review any specific guidelines or expectations provided by your child’s teacher(s). Understanding both the general and specific expectations will help you support your child in following the new expectations effectively.
  2. Model Appropriate Use: Demonstrate and discuss the importance of limiting device use at home, especially during family time or other important activities. Your behavior sets a powerful example for your child.
  3. Encourage Balance: Help your child find a healthy balance between screen time and other activities, such as reading, outdoor play, or family interactions. This will reinforce the focus on learning during school hours.
  4. Mindful Communication: Please avoid calling or texting your child during school time unless it’s an emergency. Remind your child that school time is for learning, and that messages can wait until after school. If urgent communication is needed, please contact the school office.

By working together, we can create a safer, more focused learning environment for all students. These small steps at home can make a big difference in reinforcing the positive changes we’re implementing at school. Thank you for your cooperation and support.

For more information, please access our Parent and Guardian Guide to Personal Digital Devices:

Parent PDD Infographic 2024.pdf

Assessment and Communicating Student Learning (CSL)

Published on March 12, 2021

Dear Parents,
Today your child completes Term Two of a very interesting school year.  There have been many challenges, as you know,

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Touching Base – For you, Parents!

Published on February 24, 2021

Dear PJ Families,
There is something in the air lately.  I am not sure if it is COVID exhaustion, the rain,

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Healthy and Happy Holiday Wishes

Published on December 18, 2020

Dear Students and Families of Pauline Johnson,
As we enter into this holiday season, we are reminded all around us of the light that this world still offers,

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Registration and payment information see here:

StepByStep Registration Parent Handout 

Applications now open

Apply to École Pauline Johnson

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Admissions for the 24/25 school year are openClick here for eligibility and timelines