Farewell Message to Our Grade 7 Graduates

June 28, 2016 - 4 minutes read

Dear students and parents, staff and guests,

Welcome to our grade 7 promotion, thank you all for sharing this important event with us! It is my immense pleasure to say a few words to our Grade 7 graduates this evening.

When I arrived at PJ, you were in Grade 4. It has been a privilege to see you grow as learners, acquire knowledge and develop skills in all areas of the curriculum.

Last week when I read Superintendent Chris Kennedy’s message about the amazing achievement of our classes of 2016 graduating from our three West Vancouver secondary schools, I reflected on what made those students so successful. Their performance and abilities have allowed them to get accepted in excellent universities all over the province, the county, and beyond. They didn’t just learn what they need to be successful in Grade 12. They started learning the foundational skills and attitudes required when they started Kindergarten. Play with others, use your words, develop your independence.

As you moved from grade to grade, you acquired a lot of knowledge in all the academic subject areas. Along with your teachers and classmates, you developed those core competencies that have been at the forefront of the new curriculum these last couple of years: communication, creative and critical thinking, personal and social domains.

As French Immersion students, you have mastered communication skills in two languages. You have worked in groups to learn to work collaboratively in so many great projects, and have grown in the social and emotional areas with all the work that we did at PJ on self-regulation. You have heard about the importance of being a kind and giving citizen, taking care of each other, animals and our planet, with 365give, the Virtues Project, and other classroom initiatives aimed at promoting citizenship and environmental stewardship.

At the core of a successful educational experience is the virtue of integrity. Make the right choices for yourselves. Knowing your needs as a learner is key to your success in high school and university. Surrounding yourselves with supportive friends is also crucial since it’s much easier to face new challenges when you have a strong network of support, which include your parents and close friends. If you make integrity your core value, you will be able to stay focused on your goals.
I encourage you to have a strong work ethic when you embark on this new chapter of your educational journey. The transition to high school is not an easy one, but with a positive attitude, a strong work ethic, a supportive network, you will be able to face challenges as they come your way. Just take one day at a time and ask for help when you need it. You’re not alone. You’re joined by all these classmates who have grown with you at PJ for a couple of years, or for 8 years.

Bravo a vous tous. Tous vos enseignants se joigent a moi pour vous remercier de vos efforts et vous feliciter. Bonne chance mes amis!