Career Programs
Career Program
Welcome to the Careers program page! The Careers program is designed to offer opportunities for career exploration and encourages experiences through volunteering, work experience, apprenticeship and graduation transitions.
Staff: Mrs L Caruth, Ms. P Taylor, Mr. K Rispin, Mr. C Campagnolo
Phone: 604.981.1171
These courses foster independence, self-awareness, skill development, and reflective thinking, guiding students in identifying the pathways to achieve their career goals. Students will explore the world of work and its significance in their lives, communities, and society. Engaging activities include the biennial Find Your Fit career fair and the annual Take Our Kids to Work Day.
Career Life Education 10 aims to equip students with the skills to become self-directed individuals who set meaningful goals, make informed decisions, and take responsibility for shaping their future. The course encourages the exploration of various post-secondary pathways, the development of health and wellness goals, and the enhancement of employability and financial planning skills. As a graduation requirement, this course is offered in class and through an optional blended learning format.
Career Life Connections 12 (A & B) builds upon the foundation of Career Life Education 10, guiding students in applying career-life knowledge, skills, and strategies to their personal life journey. This course supports purposeful and ongoing career-life development by helping students recognize and cultivate meaningful opportunities and supportive relationships.
Throughout CLC 12, students will explore how their evolving interests, strengths, and self-identity influence their current and future career and life choices. They will develop the skills to manage their life journey effectively, exploring diverse post-secondary options in education, work, and personal contexts.
The course culminates in the Capstone Project, where students showcase their learning and experiences inside and outside the classroom. This project highlights an area of personal interest and passion, ideally connected to future educational or career goals, allowing students to demonstrate their readiness for life beyond high school.
Work Experience 12 (WEX) is a program that integrates classroom learning with practical, hands-on experience in real-world workplaces. This course allows students to participate in paid and volunteer placements within the community, gaining insight into the tasks and responsibilities associated with different occupations while developing essential employability, technical, and applied skills relevant to specific industries.
Students are expected to complete their required hours through after-school, evening, and weekend shifts, providing flexibility to match diverse placement opportunities. In addition to workplace experience, students engage in in-school learning focused on workplace orientation, safety training, and career development based on the Ministry of Education’s curriculum. WEX 12A/12B helps students build confidence, make informed career decisions, and smoothly transition from secondary school to post-secondary education or the workforce.
Youth Work in Trades is a program that allows students to earn up to 16 graduation credits and gain 480 work-based training hours toward industry-recognized trades credentials. The program combines paid, hands-on work experience with a curriculum focused on workplace skills, safety, work ethic, and job readiness. Supported by the Ministry of Education and Child Care and SkilledTradesBC, WRK provides students with valuable industry training and apprenticeship opportunities while bridging education and career development in skilled trades.
This dual-credit program means students receive 16 credits (4 courses) towards high school graduation in addition to ITA (Industry Training Authority) approved Level 1 Carpentry training. This technical training is typically done at a post-secondary institution with associated tuition and materials costs. Still, this program is offered to high school students for significantly reduced costs because it is part of their Graduation Program. Each student is registered as a trainee with the ITA. This program is for students interested in acquiring industry-recognized skills and certification in carpentry and construction. This intensive program would allow students to focus on learning carpentry skills by undertaking the first level of technical training required to pursue a Carpentry Apprenticeship.
The Youth Train in Trades and subsequent Youth Work in Trades program is a desirable career path that enables students to pursue opportunities in carpentry and related trades. It also provides a path toward further technical training, advanced post-secondary programs and university degrees. The program will be offered at West Vancouver Secondary School every second day by a Red Seal Carpenter teacher during the regular school day. Students will receive credit towards 4 courses.
Students will also write the industry-recognized certification exam. Dedicated students will have the opportunity to receive valuable work experience.
This program is available to Grade 11 and 12 students who have displayed an interest in carpentry. All candidates must complete an application process to be considered for this unique program. The application is available from Chris Campagnolo, who can be contacted at ccampagnolo@wvschools.ca. The application will also be available in all West Vancouver School Careers Centres. A passionate grade 10 student may be considered for this program under certain circumstances.
For more information visit Youth Train in Trades