Sep 28 2020

Daily Announcements – September 24, 2020

Orange Shirt Day is Wednesday October 30. 

Attention all drivers: If you are bringing a car to school and parking in the student gravel parking lot, you must have a parking sticker on your vehicle. These can be purchased in the office for $25.00. Without this permit your car may be towed at your expense.

Students were given Emergency Dismissal Forms to be filled out by a parent or guardian. Please return this form to the school as soon as possible.

Cross Country practice is on for Monday at 3:10 pm, meet in the old gym.

Volleyball: Grade 8 practice starts Tuesday and Thursday (September 29 & October 1st) at 3:40 pm in the Old Gym.

Volleyball: Grade 9 & 10 practices start Monday and Wednesday (September 28 and 30th) at 3;15 in the Old Gym.

Apr 02 2020

Thursday April 2, 2020

Teachers have been reaching out yesterday and today to touch base with students.  Students should be receiving their Weekly Learning Plans from teachers starting Friday morning.

Counsellors are available, they can be reached by email.

A reminder that our school building is closed to all staff and students, access to any lockers or classrooms is by appointment only.

Mar 09 2020

Monday March 9, 2020

Congratulations to the cast and crew of Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure on a most triumphant run of the show! Cast and crew are reminded that poster/program signing will be taking place in the drama room during FIT and lunch Monday and Tuesday this week.

If you loved the band at Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure then come to the band room today at lunch. The Sr. Rock band will play all your favourite class rock hits. Free Admission - see you there!

Reminder that the District Scholarship meeting is today at lunch in C303.

Volunteers needed! We are looking for 3 more volunteers to help with the backstage crew for the Bloom concert this Thursday. Arrive at 6:15 - 9:00 pm, wearing all black. Please come to the office to sign up!

Reminder: Ms. Thind's Geo 12 class is to meet in front of the school at 11:30 am.

Mar 06 2020

Friday March 6, 2020

Ms. Hoyak's block 1-4 drama 8 students are reminded to go to the Kay Meek for 12:55 for class to see today's matinee of Bill & Ted.

The Lunchbox is our school's gender & sexuality alliance (GSA). We meet today at lunch in the Dance Studio. We're always excited to see new faces. See Mr. McLeod or Mrs. Castro for more information.

Track and Field athletes helping out at the WV Run this weekend are reminded to see Mrs. Buchanan in room W241 today during FIT.

Tennis meeting today at lunch. Room C302.

There will be an information meeting at lunch on Monday for the District Scholarship Applications in the Career Programs office. This scholarship is for students who excel in one of the following areas – Fine Arts, Applied Skills, Physical Activity, Languages, Trades or Community Service.

There will be a mandatory practice TODAY for any students interested in joining the Ultimate Team. Practice will be from 3-4 pm on the South Campus Field. If you would like to join the team but are unable to attend this practice please contact Mrs. Reemeyer.

Attention Grade 11s: A reminder that course planning computer entry is happening all this week during FIT. Check the schedule in counselling or ask your English teacher.

To any students applying to the Sr. Mentorship program, make sure that you not only select it at course selection but that you also pick up an application form from the counselling office. Return your completed applications to your counsellor any time before spring break.

To all current Sr. Mentors, please check google classroom for your term 2 interview times. Interviews start this week!