Feb 08 2022

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

The Sr. Girls Basketball Team is fundraising for the next 4 weeks during their playoff run to support the All My Relations Organization. The AMR is an all-women's indigenous basketball team from the Vancouver Downtown East Side that need support to deliver programming to the youth of their community. The fundraising will begin this Thursday at Lunch where they will be selling $2 raffle tickets to be entered into a draw to win a new All My Relations basketball. The girls will be set up
outside the Old Gym at 12:35 on Thursday. We hope to see you there:)

Students are reminded that, if they have a parking pass, they may only park in the gravel lot between north and south campus. Cars will be towed if they are parked in teacher designated spots.

Notice to all grade 12 International Students – you are entitled to a free Yearbook. Please see Mrs. Madill in the office to add your name to the list.

Miss Wong's Art, Graphics, and Photo classes. Please come and pick-up your sketchbooks. They are in a box in the hallway by inside class door.

Theatre Co students are reminded that Tuesday during lunch is the last day for cast and crew to get headshots and group photos taken for the program and classroom wall. Rehearsals for ACT 2 (scenes 13-final) are Tuesday and Thursday during Xblock and everyone must be offbook!

Feb 07 2022

Monday, February 8, 2022

Students are reminded that, if they have a parking pass, they may only park in the gravel lot between north and south campus. Cars will be towed if they are parked in teacher designated spots.

Notice to all grade 12 International Students – you are entitled to a free Yearbook. Please see Mrs. Madill in the office to add your name to the list.

Miss Wong's Art, Graphics, and Photo classes. Please come and pick-up your sketchbooks. They are in a box in the hallway by inside class door.

Theatre company students are reminded that they have Act I rehearsals Tues/Thurs this week from 1:30-3:30. These are the pre-show scene all the way to scene 12. Everyone must be OFFBOOK!

Feb 04 2022

Friday, February 4, 2022

Best of luck to the wrestling team who is off to the North Shore Championships today at Carson Graham.
Last week, West Van schools narrowly beat the North Van schools in the North vs West Dual meet at Argyle. Congrats to our team!

Any boys interested in playing Rugby? There will be a meeting today, Friday, at noon, in Mr. Muselius’ room, W146.

Notice to all grade 12 International Students – you are entitled to a free Yearbook. Please see Mrs. Madill in the office to add your name to the list.

Miss Wong's Art, Graphics, and Photo classes. Please come and pick-up your sketchbooks. They are in a box in the hallway by inside class door.

Theatre company students are reminded that they have Act I rehearsals Tues/Thurs next week from 1:30-3:30. These are the pre-show scene all the way to scene 12. Everyone must be OFFBOOK!

Feb 03 2022

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Any boys interested in playing Rugby? There will be a meeting tomorrow, Friday, at noon, in Mr. Muselius’ room, W146.

Notice to all grade 12 International Students – you are entitled to a free Yearbook. Please see Mrs. Madill in the office to add your name to the list.

Miss Wong's Art, Graphics, and Photo classes. Please come and pick-up your sketchbooks. They are in a box in the hallway by inside class door.

Theatre company students are reminded that they have Act I rehearsals Tues/Thurs next week from 1:30-3:30. These are the pre-show scene all the way to scene 12. Everyone must be OFFBOOK!

Feb 02 2022

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

International Grade 12 Students: You are entitled to a free Yearbook. Please see Mrs. Madill in the office to add your name to the list.

Theatre company students are reminded that they have Act I rehearsals Tues/Thurs next week from 1:30-3:30. These are the pre-show scene all the way to scene 12. Everyone must be OFFBOOK!