Feb 22 2022

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Track and field practices start today! Meet out at the track at 3:10 pm. Come and sign up even if you can’t stay for today’s practice.

Theatre company students are reminded that their ACT 1 DRESS REHEARSAL starts at 1:30 on
Wednesday in the KMC STUDIO

ULTIMATE FRISBEE IS BACK! Interested in joining a fun team sport, that at its core promotes teamwork, sportsmanship, and inclusivity? All are welcome, no experience necessary! For more information join the google classroom. Stay tuned
for news of our first meeting! Google Classroom Code: cs7kam2

Please submit your writing (stories, poems, articles, non-fiction) and visual art by the end of February to Mrs Cormier at Any questions come to W246

Spring is coming soon and so is Tennis Season!! Tryouts will start the week before spring break. Season starts after spring break. Sign up on the Google Classroom or see Mr. Cowan in room C302 for more details:
Google Classroom Code: o3whwor

Feb 16 2022

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Spring is coming soon and so is Tennis Season!! Tryouts will start the week before spring break. Season starts after spring break. Sign up on the Google Classroom or see Mr. Cowan in room C302 for more details:
Google Classroom Code: o3whwor

Track and field practices are starting next week after the holiday on Tuesday, February 22nd at 3:10pm. The track and field team is open to all students who are willing to show a commitment by working hard at every practice. Practices before
Spring break will be on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3:10pm on the track. The google classroom link is zznxucy


Feb 15 2022

Congratulations to our Wrestling team! 5 members of our WVSS team have qualified for provincials. In their respective weight class, Aryan Mousavi and Jade Anuden placed 4th, Amin Rajabi and Artin Safaei placed 2nd and Rayne Tafreshi
placed first!!!! Well done and Good luck on Feb 25 at the Pacific Coliseum.

Track and field practices are starting next week after the holiday on Tuesday, February 22nd at 3:10pm. The track and field team is open to all students who are willing to show a commitment by working hard at every practice. Practices before
Spring break will be on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3:10pm on the track. The google classroom link is zznxucy

Congratulations to our Sr Girls Basketball Team on winning the North Shore championship banner. The team has now advanced to the Vancouver Sea-to-Sky Zone Championships and their first game is this Wednesday night.

Notice to all grade 12 International Students – you are entitled to a free Yearbook. Please see Mrs. Madill in the office to add your name to the list.

Feb 14 2022

Monday, February 14, 2022


Track and field practices are starting next week after the holiday on Tuesday, February 22nd at 3:10pm. The track and field team is open to all students who are willing to show a commitment by working hard at every practice. Practices before
Spring break will be on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3:10pm on the track. The google classroom link is zznxucy

Congratulations to our Sr Girls Basketball Team on winning the North Shore championship banner. After a hard fought, back and forward affair, the girls held their composure when it mattered most and held on to a 6-point win. The win marks the first time that a Sr Girls bball team has won the North Shore banner in over 25 years! The team has now advanced to the Vancouver Sea-to-Sky Zone Championships and their first game is this Wednesday night. Congrats girls and best of luck this week!

Notice to all grade 12 International Students – you are entitled to a free Yearbook. Please see Mrs. Madill in the office to add your name to the list.

Feb 09 2022

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Congratulations to our Wrestling team who placed 4th at the North Shore championships last week. Fantastic accomplishment for our first year in the league. Notable weight class results include Artin Safaei - 6th place, Aryan Mousavi - 5th, Amin Rajabi - 3rd, Rayne Tafreshi - 2nd, Jade Anuden - 4th.  Next up - Zone Championships. Good luck!!

The Sr Girls Basketball Team will be fundraising outside the Old Gym on Thursday at Lunch in support of the All My Relations Women's Basketball Club. The girls are hoping to raise money to help the AMR pay travel costs to compete in the All-Native Basketball Tournament, which is held in Prince Rupert at the beginning of April. Bring your toonies to enter the raffle to win an AMR basketball. Hope to see you there.

It is not too late to submit your poetry, prose and visual art to the WVSS Current. Please submit your writing to Mrs. Cormier for possible publication in this year's literary journal. You can email her at You can get more
information in W246. The club meets on Fridays at lunch in W246.

Students are reminded that, if they have a parking pass, they may only park in the gravel lot between north and south campus. Cars will be towed if they are parked in teacher designated spots.

Notice to all grade 12 International Students – you are entitled to a free Yearbook. Please see Mrs. Madill in the office to add your name to the list.

Miss Wong's Art, Graphics, and Photo classes. Please come and pick-up your sketchbooks. They are in a box in the hallway by inside class door.