Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Jan 19 2022

Girl’s Rugby Its fitness time! All girls who want to play rugby are to meet on the West Van Track Friday after school. Be ready to run and do a high intensity work out to build strength and speed. See you and a friend this Friday, on the track after
school…. Mr J

Theatre company students, the show is almost 1 month away! It’s really important to check the schedule, prepare your role, and attend your rehearsals. Reminder, if you are sick, please let Hoyak know. Too many unexcused absences could result in losing your role.

The application for School Based Scholarships is now available on the Counselling website. The deadline to apply is Feb 25th.

Please submit your poetry, prose and art to the WVSS Current for possible publication by February 10, 2022. You can submit your entries by email to Please come pick up a submission guideline’s
form in W246 for more details.