Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Oct 05 2021

To all Grade 12’s, If you haven’t picked up your free Grad t-shirt, come on down to the counselling office to get one of these limited addition Grad 2022 t’s.

Attention all creative writers and artists: Would you like to do more creative writing and art? Would you like the chance to be
published in the school’s literary journal of art and writing? Are you interested in learning more, connecting with other writers and getting more time to write? Please come to our first WVSS Current club meeting THIS FRIDAY at lunch in W246

Boston University is hosting a special virtual visit for SD45 students, Today, Oct 5th @ 2pm. You can find the link on your CLC 12 Google Classroom

Gingerbread House Club meets today at XBlock in Ms. Seo’s North Campus Foods Room.

Theatre Company Auditions are set for October 12-13 and materials are posted on the google classroom this week! If you have any questions about auditions, there will be a Q&A session in the Drama room Today, October 5th at 1:20 and again at 3:00pm. If you are unable to attend, you may email Hoyak your questions or see her at lunch.