Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Apr 05 2022

Congratulations to our Junior Badminton team on their 6-5 win yesterday over Sentinel. Go Highlanders!

Please come out on Wednesdays at lunch to a new writing club called “In The Moment” happening in W246. Write. Create. Discover and Share.

Do you have a passion for fashion? Have you ever wanted to unleash your inner diva on a runway? Do you just need some way to make some volunteer hours? Come be part of WVSS’s 2022 Fashion Show! Our first meeting is this Thursday during XBlock in the Textiles room (C232). We need models, stage hands, music/media creators, and more! Join our google classroom for more details: 6gkbxae

If you applied to McGill University or are interested in finding out more about it, a rep will be here on Wednesday, April 6th at lunchtime in C233.

Are you interested in learning professional lighting and sound design for shows and concerts? Join our TECH CLUB in collaboration with the Kay Meek Centre! Find out more information this Thursday at lunch in the Drama room with Hoyak and KMC tech director, Elliot Banner. All are welcome!

The large (old) gym will now be re-open for sports play at lunch, starting today! Students should bring their own basketballs and volleyballs. Also, please note, that there will no food or drinks allowed in the large (old) gym at lunch.

Hi highlanders! Do you want win a whole jar of Easter candy? All you have to do is come in front of the north or south cafeteria from April 11-13 during lunch! If you guess the correct amount of candy in the jars, you win the entire jar. Guesses are $1 or less and all proceeds will go to help Ukrainians during this time.

District Scholarship Applications are due on April 8th. If you excel in one of the areas listed in the application, please consider applying. You can access the application/information on Your CLC 12 Google classroom. The amount awarded is $1250 and there is a large number of them to distribute. See Mrs. Caruth for more details.

THEATRE COMPANY: students interested in planning next year’s show are invited to the drama room today, April 5 at the start of X block. We are also looking for volunteers to do the Romeo & Juliet display case outside the KMC doors.

Any grade 12 student who would like to re-write their Graduation Literacy 12 assessment in April, should see Ms. Tanfara or Ms. Kong in the main office this week or by early next week at the latest!

Students taking English 10 and English 12 this semester: You will be writing Literacy 10 and Literacy 12 Graduation Assessments on either April 26 or 28th. You will receive a memo in class with all the details this week or next.
Any Grade 11 student who has not yet done their Literacy 10 assessment – you will write on Tuesday, April 26th during X block. Grade 11s please check your emails for your Assessment Memo. Any questions, see Ms. Tanfara or Ms. Schier in the
main office.