Thursday, March 31, 2022

Mar 31 2022

Want to help care for the chicks, grow veggies in the garden, protect the pollinators, or need volunteer opportunities at lunch or x-block? Come see Mrs. Earland in C338 today and sign-up.

Congratulations to our Junior Badminton team on their big 7-4 win yesterday over Handsworth. Go Highlanders!

Any grade 12 student who would like to re-write their Graduation Literacy 12 assessment in April, should see Ms. Tanfara or Ms. Kong in the main office this week or by early next week at the latest!

“Students taking English 10 and English 12 this semester: You will be writing Literacy 10 and
Literacy 12 Graduation Assessments on either April 26 or 28th. You will receive a memo in class with
all the details this week or next. Any Grade 11 student who has not yet done their Literacy 10 assessment – you will write on Tuesday April 26th during X block. Grade 11s ..please check your emails for your Assessment Memo.
Any questions, see Ms. Tanfara or Ms. Schier in the main office. ”

Grads – Semi-formal is happening next week on Thursday, April 7! Tickets are on sale until this Friday on School Cash Online. Want to bring a guest? Please see Mrs. Walton in counselling.

Like soccer and interested in getting service hours? The Senior Girls soccer team is looking for 2 people to run the sideline flags. They have 6 games, but it is not necessary to sign up for all. Please come to counselling if you are interested. No experience necessary, but it helps!

Track and field practices are on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday this week. This will be the last week to join the team so if you want to come out you must have expressed their interest by Thursday’s practice.

A reminder to students who worked as scorekeepers for last season’s basketball season to see Mrs. Madill
to pick up the cash payment for this assignment.