April 9th 2018

Apr 09 2018

Last Friday the players and families of the Humboldt Broncos hockey team in Saskatchewan suffered an unimaginable tragedy. The community lost 15 players, coaches and volunteers. On Thursday April 12th we are inviting all students and staff to wear a sports jersey as a sign of support for the families and friends affected.

Cast and crew of the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory please drop in today at lunch in the drama room for your head shot re-shoot. These photos go up on the wall, so don’t miss the shoot!

The deadline for ordering a yearbook is Friday, April 13th. Please see Mrs. Madill to place your order.

Best Buddies meeting in W243 on Tuesday at lunch!

Grade 12s who are applying for the District Scholarship need to have their application in by Friday, April 13th. See someone in the career programs office for more information.

Today is the last day to sign up to work in the school store! It’s an amazing opportunity to be involved with the school and get volunteer hours. Sign up sheets are at the office. Don’t miss the chance!

Golf team: There will be an important meeting Tuesday at lunch in Mr. Espenhain’s room C301.

Spring football is not far off. There will be a very important football meeting for all Grade 8 and 9 students on Wednesday April 11th in E303. All interested players should attend. If you cannot attend please see Mr. Anderson.

Thank you to everyone who came out on Friday to support your Highlanders’ rugby teams. We went 2 for 3 in our triple header;

  • the girls lost in a competitive affair to Argyle 14-7
  • the junior boys crushed the touring team from England 33-10
  • the senior boys, however, had the best result…grinding out a win vs South Delta 28-14 to hold thier 6th place provincial ranking

This week its the Battle of West Vancouver with our;

  • Junior boys vs Rockridge on Tuesday
  • Senior boys vs Sentinel on Thursday
  • Girls vs Rockridge on Thursday