Thursday, February 24, 2022

Feb 24 2022

Congratulation to our Highlander Junior Boys basketball team who have qualified for the BC Championships. The boys open up play with a game at 11:30am this Saturday at the Langley Events Center. Best of luck to the team as they try to win a
BC title.

Good luck to our WVSS wrestlers who will be competing at the BC provincial championships at the PNE tomorrow and Saturday.

GRADE 9: Course planning is due this Friday, Feb 25 by 3pm. Green forms must be handed into counselling office or your block 1 teacher and My Education BC entries need to be complete.

GRADE 10: Course planning is due this Friday, Feb 25 by 3pm.  Pink forms must be handed into counselling office and My Education BC entries need to be complete.

GRADE 11: Course planning is due this Friday, Feb 25 by 3pm. Yellow forms must be handed into counselling office and My Education BC entries need to be complete.

GRADE 12: Just a reminder to gr. 12’s who are planning to apply for School Based Scholarships, the deadline is Friday, Feb 25th at the end of the day. The application is on the counselling website. See Mrs. Caruth for more information.

ULTIMATE FRISBEE IS BACK!  Interested in joining a fun team sport, that at its core promotes teamwork, sportsmanship, and inclusivity? All are welcome, no experience necessary! For more information join the google classroom. Stay tuned for news of our first meeting! Google Classroom Code: cs7kam2

WVSS CURRENT: Please submit your writing (stories, poems, articles,  non-fiction) and visual art by the end of February to Mrs Cormier at Any questions come to W246.

Spring is coming soon and so is Tennis Season!!  Tryouts will start the week before spring break. Season starts after spring break. Sign up on the Google Classroom or see Mr. Cowan in room C302 for more details:
Google Classroom Code: o3whwor