Friday, December 3, 2021

Dec 04 2021

Hi Highlanders! Student council is excited to announce that starting next Thursday (Dec. 9th) we will be holding movie sessions during lunch through X block! There will be hot chocolate and treats available. The entry fee is donation money or canned food, which will be donated to a food bank. Hope to see you there!

Register today for the Holiday Hamper E-Sports Tournament. Up to $150 in prizes. Scan the QR Code on the promotional poster. Complete the registration form and choose your games. Please bring your donation to Room 252 & 254.

Theatre Company Students: Montague and Capulet gangs are reminded to attend their lunch time fight choreo rehearsals Wednesdays and Fridays. Don’t be late.

On Monday, Dec 6th at lunch, Ms. Gruber’s Textiles 9 class is holding a bake sale to raise money for the Holiday Hamper! There will be cookies, muffins, cupcakes and more set up for sale outside of the cafeteria. Bring your change
(CASH ONLY) and indulge!

Grade 8s! Your senior mentors are planning a sports drop-in event at Lunch today! Featured sports include volleyball and basketball, come to the South Campus gym! Everyone is welcome! Also, if you do not know who your senior mentor
is or you have not been contacted by them please see Ms. Maureen in her office. Hope to see you all there!

A reminder that Grad Photo appointments have begun! Make your appointments as soon as possible! Place your Grad Gown order on google as well!

Any skiers or snowboarders interested in joining the WVSS school team and racing at Whistler should attend an important information session to be held today at lunch in C303. Please join Google Classroom to read about the team and see the dates of the training events and races. bxkaefd

The Multicultural Club is looking for talents to audition for the Asian New Year 2022 concert!!! Singing, dancing, juggling, instrumental, you name it, we’re interested. Sign up by checking out our Instagram page: @wvssmulticultural. Deadline is December 10th.