Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Oct 19 2021

The Gingerbread Club will be meeting today in X Block in Ms. Seo’s room.

Congratulations to the Bantam Girls’ Volleyball team on their big home win against Rockridge yesterday. The energy on the team was amazing and they won their match in only 4 games. Go Highlanders!”

Any boys interested in playing Senior Boys Basketball there will be an open gym on Wednesday, October 20th from 3:00 to 4:30 in the old gym. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Eberhardt.

West Van Secondary is starting a wrestling team this year. Beginner and experienced interested students are welcome. Sign up outside the gym. Got questions – come to counselling. Season starts in mid-November.

Grads – for anyone who would like a second – there are extra medium and large “Grad 2022” tshirts available in the  counselling office.

Congratulations to the students who auditioned for the school play, ROMEO & JULIET… or the Play that Goes Wrong! The cast list is posted on google classroom. First readthrough is Thursday, Oct. 28 during Xblock – bring a pencil and highlighter. A meeting for crew members is Tuesday, Oct. 26 during Xblock. See google classroom for more details!

WVSS Journal: Please come share your ideas and connect to a group of journal writers on Wednesdays at lunch in W246.