Support Programs & Mentorship
Support Programs & Mentorship
The Learning Support Centre offers instruction to students from grades 8-12. Subject support is a scheduled block of time during which students are given assistance with homework, test taking skills and other learning strategies. Program adaptations may be made to fit the learning styles and needs of the individual student. Students requiring a special designation from the Ministry must be admitted through a district screening committee.
- Referral may be initiated by the counsellor, teacher, student or parent
- Referrals must be screened through the School Based Team
- Full time assignment to the Learning Support Centre will be offered during student study periods or at the expense of an elective course. No credit is available
- Testing to assess skill development and program needs
- Subject support
- Assistance with organization, time management and programming
- Referral for district testing
- Adjudication requests for provincial exams
The Connect program is a Student Support program designed to assist students with social and emotional challenges that may impact their educational progress. Students receive assistance in recognizing and overcoming these challenges while retaining the opportunity to remain connected with, and belong to, their local school community.
The Connect Program is for students who have been identified and recommended as appropriate candidates through the School-Based Team. Each potential student candidate is carefully considered to ensure that the program will meet their needs. Please contact your child’s counsellor for more information.
SENIOR MENTORSHIP 12 (For grade 11 and 12 students)
This 4-credit course is designed for students with an interest in, and commitment to, fostering a peer-support network. The primary focus of the program is to ease the transition from grade 7 to grade 8. Thus, among other activities, Senior Mentors will attend the grade 8 retreat the first week of school, will be matched with a group of grade 8 students and will attend class after school once a week (from 3:00-4:30). Class sessions will be used to train students in areas such as listening and responding skills, problem solving, conflict resolution, and to help them understand critical issues affecting young people, such as suicide, drugs, alcohol abuse, relationships, and multi-cultural awareness. Senior Mentors are expected to complete 75 hours of volunteer work both within the school and in the community
Note: Senior Mentors are selected through an application process and interview. Students interested in the program should pick up an application form from the counselling office.